What is Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert?
Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert is what malware researchers also call as a technical support scam. Our malware specialists at anti-spyware-101.com say that you can be exposed to this fake alert when you get redirected to a malicious page pretending to be a support page warning you about an alleged security issue. This alert claims that Vodafone Australia has detected a threat on your system that can steal personal and financial information from your computer. You are led to believe that you must call a provided telephone number for technical support. Of course, if you contact these schemers, you will not talk with a Microsoft certified technician. Instead, you could be asked to grant remote access to your PC and also buy a promoted security tool so that this alleged issue can be fixed. So, if you do not want to lose your money and even let cyber crooks gain access to your precious computer, we suggest that you remove Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert immediately.
Where does Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert come from?
As we have mentioned, you can be introduced to this fake alert when you land on a fake support page like "https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/ispfeb8/isp-msg.html?num=1-800-957-031&msg=CALL%20MICROSOFT%20ON&isp=Vodafone%20Australia&var=wDLI9M8M1D1JF6MBHTBPN1CK-". It seems though that this page is already down, which means that you may not see this fake alert any longer unless its authors have set up another page, which we do not know of. You can be redirected to such a page when you are surfing the web and accidentally click on unsafe third-party content, such as a banner or pop-up ad, a fake button, and a fake notification. In this case, it could be enough for you to close the tab or the browser window to delete Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert. Nevertheless, it is more likely that your computer is infected with malware.
Another possibility is that an adware program, a browser hijacker, or a potentially unwanted applications is on board hiding, and this threat redirects you to this malicious page or show you corrupt third-party content that can redirect you once you click on it. You can easily infect your computer with such threats when you download and install a free software bundle. If you download such a package from a suspicious torrent or freeware site, or drop it by clicking on an unsafe third-party ad on a shady website, you can be certain that this bundle is packed with potentially unwanted programs as well as browser hijackers, adware programs, Trojans, fake alerts, and more. Therefore, it is essential that after you delete Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert, you run a reliable malware scanner to find all possible threats that are capable of harming your system, your privacy, or even your files.
How does Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert work?
This fake alert works exactly like most of previous ones. You end up on a scam page that may or may not look like a Microsoft support page that has a pop-up window alerting you about a threat. This fake alert claims that Vodafone Australia has found Cydoor Spyware on your system, which can steal personal and financial information from your computer. You are told to call "1800 957 031" for certified Microsoft support to fix this dangerous issue. Obviously, this is all a lie. But if you fall for it as an inexperienced user, you may learn it soon as you pay for an unnecessary and possibly low-quality security tool. You may also be asked to give remote access to these scammers, which may end very badly for you since they can install malicious programs and steal sensitive information from your computer. This is why we suggest that you remove Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert as soon as possible.
How do I delete Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert?
First of all, it could help if you reset your main browsers to get rid of all browser-related threats. Please follow our guide below if you need assistance. Then, if you want to make sure that there are no other suspicious files on board, you should also scan through your list of installed programs in Control Panel and uninstall them. However, even this may not be enough since lots of malware infections can hide from your sight and you may not be able to eliminate them manually unless you are an expert. Therefore, we recommend that you install a trustworthy malware removal application like SpyHunter.
Remove Error Code 022-100-006 fake alert from your browsers
Google Chrome
- Tap Alt+F and go to Settings.
- Scroll down and click Advanced.
- Scroll all the way down again and click Reset.
- In the pop-up window, press Reset.
Internet Explorer
- Tap Alt+T and go to Internet Options.
- Choose the Advanced tab and press Reset.
- Select the Delete personal settings checkbox.
- Press Reset and click Close.
Mozilla Firefox
- Tap Alt+H and go to Troubleshooting Information.
- Press Refresh Firefox.
- Click Refresh Firefox in the pop-up window.
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