What is Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam?
Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam is a new threat that can fool unsuspecting computer users into calling a telephone number in hope of technical support. However, it is more likely that you will be scammed to purchase a useless security tool or service than real technical support. This is indeed a fake alert, very similar to other previous ones, including "Windows Health Is Critical FAKE Tech Support popup," "Chrome Security Warning Scam," and "'Bad Rabbit Attack' Scam." These are also called technical support scams because they pretend to provide you tech support if you call the given telephone number. But, as we have said, such an attack is always about selling you a low-quality program or service, which you do not even need. What you really need is that you remove Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam from your computer as soon as possible along with all other possible threats.
Where does Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam come from?
There are two possible ways for you to end up on "windows.microsoft.com.msf-help.info/_windows/62" that is supposed to show you the fake alert; although, this page seems to be down already. First of all, the less problematic way is when you click on an unsafe third-party advertisement or link on a suspicious website and get redirected to this malicious page. If you are a more experienced user, you should notice one thing at least that could serve as a sign that you are dealing with a fake alert. Scammers either use a totally random URL address to display such fake warnings or they want you to believe that you have landed on an official Microsoft support page and make sure that the URL contains something resembling. But, as you can see in this case, the URL also contains extra parts, which are already suspicious. Another sign that you can usually find is the poor grammar such a fake alert may have, i.e., broken English. If any of these signs can be find, you can be sure that it is a scam. If you see such a fake alert by clicking on web content, you can simply delete Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam by closing your web browser.
Unfortunately, it is also possible that you have infected your computer lately with an adware program, a browser hijacker, or a potentially unwanted program. Basically, all of these threats may be capable of redirecting you to malicious pages like this aforementioned one. Therefore, it is vital for you to know that these threats can infiltrate your system almost unnoticed, i.e., in a software bundle. You can drop such a bundle when you want to download a free program from a suspicious freeware or torrent site, when you click on an unsafe third-party advertisement on a shady website, or when your computer is already infected with, for example, adware and this infection displays such corrupt ads on your screen. All in all, if there is any chance that your PC could be infected, we recommend that after you delete Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam, you also run a trustworthy malware scanner to detect all other possible threat sources, too.
How does Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam work?
You may be peacefully surfing the web when all of a sudden you are taken to a new tab where you will see a seemingly Microsoft warning page with a pop-up alert claiming that your system has been blocked due to a possible malware infection. This threat is supposed to be able to steal your personal information as well as other sensitive data, such as Facebook account details and other passwords. You are told to call "1-855-381-5333" right away for technical support. As a matter of fact, this is a rather obnoxious and aggressive way to promote a useless low-quality security application. So when you call this number, you will be speaking with a sales expert or a plain schemer instead of a Microsoft certified technician. It is also possible that this schemer will ask you to provide remote access to your computer to fix your security issues. However, this can enable crooks to install any malicious threat on your computer or steal further information or files. No wonder why we recommend that you remove Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam as soon as possible.
How can I delete Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam?
We have found that it could be enough to reset your major browsers since they may have a malicious extension installed. Please follow our instructions below if you are ready to act. Keep in mind that there could be several threats on board. Therefore, it is important that you tackle all of them. If you cannot do this manually, we suggest that you install a trustworthy malware removal application like SpyHunter.
Remove Error 268D3-XC00037 Scam from your browsers
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F and go to Settings.
- Click Advanced at the bottom.
- Click Reset at the bottom.
- Press Reset in the pop-up.
Internet Explorer
- Press Alt+T and navigate to Internet Options.
- Choose the Advanced tab and press Reset.
- Select the Delete personal settings checkbox and press Reset.
- Press Close.
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Alt+H and go to Troubleshooting Information.
- Click Refresh Firefox.
- In the pop-up, press Refresh Firefox.
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