What is Ender Ransomware?
If your operating system is not protected, every careless step you make could lead to the infiltration of malware. Ender Ransomware is one of the many infections that could slither into your operating system, and if you are not familiar with this threat, you could be tricked into believing that it has encrypted your personal files. That is the claim that is made via the ransom note window that pops up as soon as the infection is launched. Anti-Spyware-101.com research team has analyzed this infection, and our conclusion is that the ransomware does not encrypt files. That, of course, is the good news. The bad news is that this malware is still dangerous and unpredictable, and if you keep it installed for much longer, your virtual security could be jeopardized. Needless to say, we advise deleting Ender Ransomware as soon as possible, and if you want to learn more about the threat and its removal, this is the report you need to continue reading.
How does Ender Ransomware work?
Our research team has analyzed plenty of infections that appeared to be in development, including Incanto Ransomware, Kappa Ransomware, and Ev Ransomware. At the time of our research, these threats were not functioning properly, and the same can be said about the malicious Ender Ransomware. When testing this threat on Windows 10, it was found that it could not execute correctly, but, of course, a newer version of this malware could be released, and the existing errors could be fixed. Unfortunately, this also means that we cannot assume that all versions of this malware will be incapable of encryption. For now, there are at least two known variants of the devious Ev Ransomware Ender Ransomware. While they function in a similar way, the ransom notes they use are different. One version informs that your PC was locked, shows a link under “How to get the decryption key?” and displays a field in which you need to enter the key. At the moment, you can enter byBkPAa1oZ, aRmLgk8wb0WK5q7, or EnderISTheBEST and the screen-locking window should disappear. Needless to say, if the ransomware unlocks your screen, you still need to remove it from your operating system!
The second version of the malicious Ev Ransomware shows a message informing that you need to pay a ransom of 1 BTC to the provided Bitcoin Address. In both cases, you are asked to pay money for a decryptor, but you should not give in even if your files are encrypted (which is unlikely to be the case anyway). Cyber criminals do not need to keep their promises, and they certainly do not need to keep communicating with you or helping you once they get your money. Hopefully, you are not tricked into believing that your files are corrupted, and you do not need to waste time thinking about what you should do. The only logical thing to do, of course, is to remove Ender Ransomware. Once you get rid of this infection, you also need to thoroughly examine your operating system to check if you need to eliminate any other threats. It is unknown whether the ransomware is silently downloaded by Trojans, via unsecure RDP connections, or using corrupted, misleading spam emails. Therefore, it is important to be cautious. If any malware besides the ransomware exists, a legitimate malware scanner will help you find it. Obviously, all threats must be deleted as soon as possible.
How to delete Ender Ransomware
It is crucial that you find the launcher of Ender Ransomware if you are thinking about deleting this threat manually. If you cannot find the file, there is no reason to follow the instructions below because the infection could be regenerated. So, what should you do if you cannot remove the launcher, or if the instructions below are too difficult for you to follow? In this case, a legitimate anti-malware program is your best friend. Install it and keep it installed to ensure that all malicious threats are eliminated from your operating system as soon as possible. If you choose to follow the guide below, do not skip on using a malware scanner afterward because you want to make sure that no malicious leftovers are hanging around.
Removal Instructions
- Use byBkPAa1oZ, aRmLgk8wb0WK5q7, or EnderISTheBEST key to unlock the PC.
- Restart the computer. The misleading, screen-locking message should not be displayed again.
- Find the malicious launcher of the ransomware, right-click it and select Delete (if you do not know where to look for this file, check Desktop, Downloads, and %TEMP% directories, or perform a full system scan).
- Launch RUN by tapping keys Win+R and enter regedit.exe into the dialog box to launch Registry Editor.
- Navigate to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
- Right-click the value called Shell and select Modify.
- Replace EnderRansom.exe with explorer.exe (if it is still set up) and then click OK.
- Empty Recycle Bin and then immediately perform a full system scan.
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Stop these Ender Ransomware Processes: