What is Dollar Dream?
Dollar Dream is an adware application that will disrupt your web browsing sessions by displaying multiple commercial advertisements. For the most part, these advertisements are harmless, but that does not mean that you can simply ignore Dollar Dream. It would be best to remove Dollar Dream from your system as soon as possible because adware programs can often lead to various computer security issues that are later hard to contain and deal with. Thus, if you care about your system’s security, you will remove Dollar Dream immediately.
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Where does Dollar Dream come from?
As far as this application’s origins are concerned, we cannot offer you anything new regarding it. Dollar Dream belongs to the SuperWeb family of adware applications, and thus it is practically the same as Between Lines, Wooden Seal, Pine Tree, etc. We can see that all of those programs are directly related because their homepages have the same layout.
Dollar Dream has a homepage at getmydollardream.com, but the website is absolutely useless because it does not provide you with a direct download link, and it does not inform you about the real dangers behind Dollar Dream. Thus, if you happen to have this adware app on your computer, it is very likely that Dollar Dream came bundled with shareware, as that is the most common adware distribution method. If you often download programs from third-party file sharing sites, it is only natural that Dollar Dream managed to find its way into your system.
What does Dollar Dream do?
This adware program wants to convince you that it can help you purchase the things you want online at a reasonable price. In other words, Dollar Dream is supposed to promote discount offers and coupon advertisements, but there is no guarantee that the ads distributed through this program are reliable.
If anything, Dollar Dream will collect information on what websites you visit so it can customize its ads according to your likes and preferences. Consequently, the ads will look like they have something interesting to offer, but keep in mind that Dollar Dream does not check whether the links embedded in its ads lead to reliable websites. Thus, if cyber criminals decide to make use of this adware application for corrupted content distribution, you will risk getting infected with malware.
How do I remove Dollar Dream?
You can save yourself the trouble of dealing with malicious infections if you remove Dollar Dream right now. Open Control Panel and uninstall Dollar Dream manually. While you are at it, you should also delete other unwanted applications that might have entered your system along with Dollar Dream. If you do not know which programs must be removed, scan your PC with the SpyHunter free scanner. Whatever you do, do not leave this process half completed!
Manual Dollar Dream Removal
Windows 8 & Windows 8.1
- Drag the mouse cursor to the lower right corner of your screen.
- When the Charm bar appears, click Settings and go to Control Panel.
- Open Uninstall a program and remove Dollar Dream.
Windows Vista & Windows 7
- Open the Start menu and click Control Panel.
- Go to Uninstall a program and remove Dollar Dream.
Windows XP
- Click the Start button and navigate to Control Panel.
- Select Add or remove programs and uninstall Dollar Dream.
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