
What is DolkaRu?

DolkaRu is an intrusive add-on which may be attached to your browsers illegally. What is even worse is that this infection can enter the system attached to other threats, including clandestine Trojans. As you may be aware of this already, Trojans may be used to download other infections, steal private data, and even hijack your accounts to spread malware using social engineering scams. You will avoid this dangerous activity only if you delete malicious Trojans. Needless to say, DolkaRu removal should be performed simultaneously. Even though this plugin is not identified as malicious, you should delete it just based on the fact that it can be dropped onto your PC illegally.testtesttest 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of DolkaRu*

How does DolkaRu work?

According to adware researchers at, the suspicious application can be promoted at or; however, the services it presents are linked to This website is meant to help you find saving deals and special offers. The extension itself has been created to produce coupons when you shop online, and so DolkaRu removal may be the last thing on your mind when you discover this application. Despite the promises, the application enables third-party ads, and these may be completely unreliable. Needless to say, to remove the disturbing advertisements, you will firstly need to delete DolkaRu. This is not a big loss, considering that the application is virtually useless, and tens of other more reliable tools offering the same services are available.

Why should you delete DolkaRu?

It is now clear that DolkaRu is linked to third parties who can create different ads and release them using the advertisement platform provided by the extension. Unfortunately, the objectives of these parties are unknown, which means that there is no information why the displayed ads are presented at all. Some of these may act as traffic boosters and route you to less popular websites. In the worst case scenario, the presented offers may produce links to sites promoting fake installers and offering unreliable services. Make sure you do not reveal private information, make any purchases or download suspicious updates; otherwise, getting DolkaRu removed will be just a small part of the problem.

How to remove DolkaRu?

It has been discovered that the program may be listed as superpromokody 1.1 within Control Panel. If this is the case – this is the program you need to delete. The instructions provided below the article will help you delete DolkaRu from Chrome, Firefox browsers, and the computer. Note that the application is removed from IE browsers automatically if you delete it from the system. After these removal steps are completed, we suggest you use an automatic malware removal tool to eliminate the remaining threats. Make sure you do not leave out Trojans and other dangerous infections because they could be dangerous.

Delete DolkaRu from the system

Delete from Windows 8:

  1. Access the Metro UI menu, right-click and choose All apps.
  2. Open the Control Panel and select Uninstall a program.
  3. Right-click the application you wish to remove and select Uninstall.

Delete from Windows Vista and Windows 7:

  1. Click the Windows button on the Task Bar and select Control Panel.
  2. Choose Uninstall a program to find superpromokody 1.1 or DolkaRu.
  3. Right-click the application you wish to remove and select Uninstall.

Delete from Windows XP:

  1. Click the Start button on the Task Bar and select Control Panel.
  2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs and go to Change or Remove Programs.
  3. Select the undesirable application and choose Remove.

Delete from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open Firefox and simultaneously tap Ctrl+Shift+A.
  2. As the Add-ons Manager opens in the new tab select Extensions.
  3. Remove the undesirable plugin and restart Firefox.

Delete from Google Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome and simultaneously tap Alt+F.
  2. Move to Tools, click Extensions and locate the undesirable application.
  3. Select the recycle bin on the right, choose Remove and restart the browser. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of DolkaRu*

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