What is Divine Ransomware?
You can be sure that Divine Ransomware has invaded your Windows operating system and corrupted your files, if you can find the “.[divine@cock.lu].divine” extension appended to their original names. The files with this extension are encrypted and, therefore, cannot be read in a normal manner. A decryptor is necessary, but it is highly unlikely that you would obtain it. Of course, cyber criminals do not want you to know it, and they use a deceptive message to push you into contacting them and then paying a ransom for a decryptor tool that, allegedly, can restore your personal files. Anti-Spyware-101.com research team does not know how much the attackers of the malicious infection could ask in return for this decryptor, but whether the sum is small or large, we do not recommend paying it. The only things we recommend doing are deleting Divine Ransomware and securing your operating system to ensure that similar and other kinds of threats could not invade it in the future.
How does Divine Ransomware work?
Opening spam emails and their attachments is dangerous because that is how Divine Ransomware could enter your vulnerable operating system. That is also how Everbe 2.0 Ransomware – the predecessor threat – and many other similar threats could try to invade as well. Therefore, you have to be very careful about the messages you open, as well as how you interact with the content represented via them. Security vulnerabilities could be exploited to drop malware as well. Ultimately, if your operating system is not protected, the launcher cannot be seized and removed in time, and Divine Ransomware is executed without your knowledge. After that, it quickly starts encrypting files, which is done using a complex algorithm, and so the files cannot be decrypted manually. In some cases, special software makes it possible to decrypt ransomware-affected files for free; however, at the time of research, a decryptor that would work with this particular ransomware did not exist. If you are going to look for a free decryptor, remember that fake and malicious ones could exist, and so you must be careful about that too.
“!=How_to_decrypt_files=!.txt” is a file that should inform you about the encryption first. This file is created by Divine Ransomware, and copies are dropped everywhere to ensure that you find it and open it. Once this file is created, the malicious ransomware should remove itself, but we cannot guarantee that it will not fail to do that, which is why you need to make sure that you scan your system afterward to check for the executable file. Hopefully, you focus on that instead of the ransom note that the TXT file carries. According to the message, you need to send an ID code to divine@cock.lu or divinebackup@tuta.io to obtain a decryptor. It is not disclosed how much this tool costs, but it is stated that the price would be doubled in seven days. Whether you are one hour or one week into the chaos created by the infection, we do not recommend contacting cyber criminals and paying the ransom. That would be a waste of money, and you definitely can invest it into something better; for example, your virtual security.
How to delete Divine Ransomware
The best thing you can do for yourself is to install a legitimate anti-malware tool that will be able to erase all existing threats and, at the same time, reinstate full protection. This tool can be helpful in case the malicious Divine Ransomware does not delete itself, and its launcher is nowhere to be found, if other infections exist, and if you need help protecting the operating system. If you wish to remove Divine Ransomware manually, but you are not sure that the launcher file remains on your system, you can employ a malware scanner, a free tool that inspects the operating system and lists existing threats. Of course, regardless of how you remove the infection, your personal files will remain encrypted, and it is unlikely that you will be able to decrypt them. Hopefully, backup copies exist on external drives or online, and you can replace the corrupted files with backups once you remove the infection.
Removal Instructions
- Delete launcher file (location and name are random) if it did not delete itself already.
- Delete the random note file, !=How_to_decrypt_files=!.txt (erase all copies).
- Empty Recycle Bin to complete the removal.
- Install and run a legitimate malware scanner to check if malware or malware components prevail.
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