Disk Helper

What is Disk Helper?

Be warned - Disk Helper is not a trustable software. The truth is that Disk Helper is actually a false optimization tool which is creating so many issues. Disk Helper is usually delivered through a trojan which is hiding under spam e-mail attachments or under fake pop-up messages. With the help of that trojan, Disk Helper will take over your entire computer system. This is besides the factor that it is guaranteed to try and steal your money as well as present you with all sorts of false warning messages which may appear genuine. Futhermore Disk Helper usually tries to block all popular security messages and may change Google results hiding the useful information. All this is done to catch you off guard and make you genuinely believe that your PC is infected.
Your PC is seriously in danger, but in this situation, not with the threats it claims it is, but with Disk Helper instead. Disk Helper creates all these problems and should not be trusted nor purchased. We seriously advice removing Disk Helper as soon as it is possible.

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