What is Devil Ransomware?
Devil Ransomware is a malicious computer infection. This program was designed to swindle you out of your money, but it is up to you to decide whether you give your savings away or not. Needless to say, you should not follow this program’s instructions. You have to act swiftly and remove Devil Ransomware immediately.
The truth is that removing ransomware infections from our computers is not that complicated. It is a lot more difficult to recover all the files that were affected by encryption. You shouldn’t rule out the possibility that you may need to start building your file library from scratch.
Where does Devil Ransomware come from?
Devil Ransomware is a program that belongs to a notorious group of similar infections. It comes from the Phobos Ransomware family, and that makes it very similar to Adame Ransomware, Banta Ransomware, Caleb Ransomware, and several other programs from the same group. When several programs belong to the same group, it usually means that the same code is used for all programs, but it is still slightly modified every single time a new program is released. Sometimes, the programs might be almost identical, and only the interface (if it has one) or the file extension might differ.
Aside from that, Devil Ransomware may also employ the most common ransomware distribution methods. It means that the program is bound to spread via spam email attachments. You might say that it is a rather outdated method because most of the spam emails automatically get filtered into the Junk folder. However, let’s not forget that there are still a lot of email service providers that do not have such sophisticated algorithms. Also, some spear-phishing attacks could be intricate enough to pass through the filter and land in the main inbox. From there, it is only a matter of time the user opens a dangerous message.
Of course, it also means that it is possible to avoid getting infected with ransomware if you delete the suspicious email at once. Unfortunately, these attached files often look like important documents, and users feel compelled to open them. But if you scanned these files with a security tool before opening them, you would definitely avoid the infection. Hence, there are several ways to protect yourself from such intruders, and you shouldn’t ignore the signs of a potential infection.
What does Devil Ransomware do?
Based on what our research team has found, Devil Ransomware is said to encrypt important picture format and document format files. So basically, all files that are saved in the %USERPROFILE% directory by default can be affected by this infection. Once the encryption is complete, the program will add an extension to all the affected files. For example, after encryption, the penguin.jpg filename will look like penguin.jgp.id[INFECTION ID].[decrypt4data@protonmail.com.devil. This long extension is like a stamp that indicates the files were affected by the program, and now you have to use the indicated email to contact the criminals behind it.
The same email is provided in the ransom note as well. The ransom note in the TXT file format is dropped to every single folder that contains encrypted files. Here’s what the short note says:
!!!All of your files are encrypted!!!
To decrypt them send e-mail to this address: decrypt4data@protonmail.com.
Any security specialist will tell you that you should NEVER contact these criminals. Some desperate users might end up doing so, and we cannot judge them, but please bear in mind that there is no guarantee these criminals would issue the decryption key even if you pay. They might just collect the money and scram.
How do I remove Devil Ransomware?
Of course, the best way to restore the locked-up files is to simply delete the encrypted copies and transfer healthy files into your computer from a file back-up. However, not everyone backs up their files regularly, and we cannot expect everyone to do that. Just don’t forget that saving copies of your files elsewhere is the best remedy against ransomware infection.
Meanwhile, removing Devil Ransomware is really easy: you just need to terminate the file that launched the infection. Hence, just remove the most recently downloaded files, and that should do the job. To be absolutely sure that you have gotten rid of the infection, scan your computer with a licensed security tool.
Manual Devil Ransomware Removal Guide
- Remove the most recent files from Desktop.
- Delete the most recent files from the Downloads folder.
- Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Press OK.
- Delete the most recent files from the directory.
- Run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner.
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