What is Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware?
Just by looking at the window represented by Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware, it becomes clear that the creator of this malicious infection is trying to copy Wana Decrypt0r Ransomware. Are you familiar with this infection? It is the one that has hit NHS, FedEx, and a bunch of other organizations in over 150 countries. Although, at first sight, it looks like Darkodercrypt0r is just as malicious, in reality, it does not compare. First of all, it appears that it is only capable of encrypting files found on the Desktop. Second, it seems like it only can encrypt .txt type files. Now, we cannot claim that this will not change with time; however, at this stage, the ransomware is not classified as a critical infection. That being said, it is crucial that you delete Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware from your PC immediately because you do not want to wait for it to be potentially upgraded. If you continue reading this Anti-Spyware-101.com report, you will learn how to remove the ransomware, as well as how to protect your operating system from the more dangerous infections that might attempt to slither into your PC in the future.
How does Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware work?
Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware might spread via spam emails. How does that work? The developer of the infection creates a launcher file to execute the ransomware. Then, this file is camouflaged as a different type of file (e.g., a DOC or PDF file). The malicious launcher is attached to an email with a misleading message that is then sent to targeted users. The creator of the ransomware might have gotten your contact information from a third-party schemer who might have used a bogus survey or a prize giveaway to record your full name, email address, and other details. More cautious users know better than to open random spam email attachments, but some users are still careless when it comes to that. It is unlikely that you would realize that a malicious ransomware had been unleashed by opening a harmless-looking file, but if you do, you might have time to remove Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware before anything bad happens. If you do not delete the launcher right away, the encryption is started, and all encrypted files are given the “.DARCRY” extension to help you identify them.
After the encryption, Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware displays a window called “Darkodercrypt0r,” and it is used to represent information regarding the payment of a ransom. It is suggested that you can recover your files only by paying a ransom to 1KoWzXydNnrRfu2mcSbY6n7mnevkvQ6WBU, but we do not recommend that. If you pay a ransom of 300 USD (~0.13 Bitcoin), it is most likely that the developer of the ransomware will take the money, but the “decryption service” is unlikely to be offered. Whether you pay a ransom of 300 USD or 600 USD (the ransom should double after 3 days), your files are likely to remain encrypted, and so we do not recommend spending a dime on this threat. All in all, as mentioned previously, this threat should only target TXT files on your Desktop, and so it is unlikely to cause great damage. Let this be a wakeup call for you showing how easy it is for dangerous malware to slither into your operating system. If you do not fix that, a much more aggressive ransomware could attack your files in no time.
How to delete Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware
Your operating system is vulnerable, and that is undeniable if Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware has managed to slither in. It is very important that you wrap your head around this because you need to ensure that your PC is protected. While it is easy to delete the ransomware from your operating system, guarding it against malware invasion can be very complicated. Needless to say, fixing the damage caused by dangerous malware can even be impossible. Remember that there are far worse ransomware examples that can encrypt every single personal file on your computer without an option to decrypt them. If you want to make sure that you do not encounter malicious threats in the future, you have to be very careful online. Also, do not forget to install the latest security updates. Of course, it is very important that you utilize reliable security software, and we advise installing a trusted anti-malware tool to ensure that your PC is cleaned and protected at the same time. The right tool will automatically remove Darkodercrypt0r Ransomware as well.
Removal Instructions
- Find the {random name}.exe launcher file and right-click it.
- Select Delete then Empty Recycle Bin.
- Install a trusted malware scanner to examine your PC for leftovers.
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