What is cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware?
You do not need to be an experienced Windows user to uncover cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware because this infection is supposed to reveal itself. As soon as it is done encrypting files, it launches a window with its name as the title, and it also marks the corrupted files with a unique extension that contains the victim’s ID (“.id-[8-character ID].[cyberwars@qq.com].war”). The window that is launched contains a message, and although the attackers behind the infection state that files were encrypted “due to a security problem,” it should be pretty obvious that files were encrypted by cyber criminals. What is the reason behind that? How can you restore your personal files? How are you supposed to remove cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware from your Windows operating system? Finally, how can you protect the system against this kind of malware in the future? These are the questions that our Anti-Spyware-101.com research team has already answered in this report. Continue reading if you want to learn more.
How does cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware work?
First, let’s discuss the background of cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware. There is not much to it, but it is important to note that the infection was created using the Crysis/Dharma malware source code, which has been used by Dharma Ransomware (audit24@qq.com variation), Dharma Ransomware (.bkpx extension), Cmb Dharma Ransomware, Bestdecoding@cock.li Ransomware, and a bunch of other malicious threats. When they encrypt files, restoring them is not possible. That is the painful reality. This is why we always highlight the necessity to backup files. Whether you employ external drives or cloud storage, as long as backups of your files are stored safely outside the location of the original files, you will always have copies as a replacement. Considering that there are hundreds and thousands of infections that can harm files, this is truly necessary. Also, note that ransomware is not the only kind of malware that can corrupt files. Overall, we hope that backups exist, and you can easily replace the encrypted files after you delete cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware.
The “cyberwars@qq.com” window that the infection launches after files are encrypted includes a detailed message. As we discussed earlier, the message starts with a claim that files were encrypted due to security issues. Then, it instructs to send a special 8-character ID to cyberwars@qq.com to receive information regarding the payment. It is stated that it must be paid in Bitcoins, but no further details are provided, and so you might rush to contact the attackers behind cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware. Do NOT do this because you could be sent malicious files and links, and that could keep happening. Even if you close the window, you are reminded of the request by a file named “FILES ENCRYPTED.txt,” which, according to our research team should be created on the Desktop, as well as in the %HOMEDRIVE% directory. When you restart the computer, the annoying window pops up again to make you obey the instructions, but, of course, you should not. The manual removal instructions you can find below show how to remove the ransom note, as well as how to stop the annoying window from showing up again.
How to remove cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware
If files that the malicious cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware encrypted do not have backups, you might feel stuck about what you should do. Yes, removing the threat will not save your files, but that is important for your virtual security. Also, you will not be able to go back to normal day-to-day activities until you delete this despicable infection. If you are desperate to get your files back, and you are thinking about following the orders of attackers, understand the risk you would be taking. As for the removal, you might be able to delete cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware, but our research team believes that installing an anti-malware program is the best option for anyone. First, it would automatically eliminate the active threats. Next, it would secure the system to prevent malicious infections from invading it again. If you still do not know what to do, and you have questions, post them in the comments area.
Removal Instructions
- Find the [launcher’s name].exe file and Delete it (location unknown).
- Delete the file named Info.htain these locations*:
- %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %WINDIR%\System32\
- Delete the file named FILES ENCRYPTED.txtin these locations*:
- %PUBLIC%\Desktop\
- %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\
- Delete the malicious [random].exefile in these locations*:
- %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %WINDIR%\System32\
- Launch Registry Editor* and move to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Delete all values that are linked to Info.hta and [random].exe files.
- Empty Recycle Bin and quickly run a full system scan using a legitimate malware scanning tool.
* Tap Win+E to launch Windows Explorer and enter the listed locations into the quick access field to access them. Tap Win+R to launch RUN and enter regedit into the dialog box to launch Registry Editor.
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Stop these cyberwars@qq.com Ransomware Processes: