What is CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware?
CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware, according to Anti-Spyware-101.com malware analysts, is a new version of the previously discussed Cyber Splitter Vbs Ransomware. The new variant of this infection is still just as harmless as its predecessor because it is unable to encrypt personal files found on your operating system. Although the notification that this threat introduces you to claims that your files were encrypted, in reality, you are being scammed. Is it possible that a different version of this malware will be able to encrypt files? Of course it is, which is why you cannot underestimate this threat. If it has entered your operating system without your notice, how can you be sure that much more dangerous threats could not slither in? Hopefully, you can remove CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware from your PC without any consequences, and, hopefully, this makes you think about your virtual security. Right now, keep reading this report to learn more about the infection, its removal, and ways to protect your operating system.
How does CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware work?
According to the latest research, CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware is unable to encrypt files. It is unclear what exactly the purpose of this infection is. Was it created by someone who doesn’t know what they are doing? Was it created by someone who is trying to trick users into thinking that their files were corrupted? Or was it created just to test out the possibilities of ransomware distribution? Unfortunately, it is very possible that the cyber criminals behind this dangerous threat are testing the waters, and they could easily come up with a new version of this threat capable of doing real damage. The current version of CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware, however, is only good at displaying a scary notification that is written with all kinds of grammatical errors. The purpose of this notification – as it seems – is to make you believe that your files were corrupted and that you need to pay a ransom fee to get them back. Well, the notification does not lock the screen, which means that you can check if your files were locked. Here is the ransom note represented by the infection. It will be deleted as soon as you erase the malicious .exe file.
Your Files Have Been encrypted
Send $ 0.5 BTC The Amount Of The Account Is Decrypted Your Files
“ Cyber SpLiTTer Vbs “ Ransomware 2.0
Send To Account Bitcoin: 1BujMC98bu4cYcSz5jzZs5DiGc377p1xED
How To Unlock Your Files
To Get The Wallet Address Contact Us At: sbenlemaleme@gmail.com
If You Not send My 0.5 Bitcoin During The 76 hour Your Files Will Be Deleted
According to our research, no money has been transferred to the Bitcoin Address represented via this ransom note, which is good news. 0.5 Bitcoins is a lot of money, as it converts to around 390 USD or 370 EUR. Needless to say, paying this ransom would be completely pointless and wasteful. Even if your files were decrypted, we would not recommend paying this ransom because cyber criminals are completely untrustworthy. They could take your money without decrypting your files, and you could not force them to give you the decryptor even if you flooded the sbenlemaleme@gmail.com inbox with threats. Also, if your files get decrypted, you should browse your backups to see if you have copies of your personal files. Another thing you could do is to look up file decryptors, which, by the way, are usually unable to decode encryption keys used by ransomware. Hopefully, that is not something you need to worry about, and you can erase the annoying ransomware without any consequences.
How to delete CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware
CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware is an infection whose main function is to display a scary notification suggesting that your files were encrypted and that you must pay a ransom. This notification is bogus as the threat is actually unable to encrypt files. Due to this, if this alert pops up, the first thing you need to worry about is the removal of CyberSplitter 2.0 Ransomware. Once you eliminate this threat – which you can do manually or using an automated malware remover – you have to take care of your virtual security and your personal files. Although this ransomware is unable to encrypt files, there are thousands of other threats that are capable of this, and you can protect yourself only by backing up your files and installing trustworthy security software. If you choose to install anti-malware software to guard your virtual security, you do not need to worry about cleaning your operating system from malware manually because this software will take care of that automatically.
Removal Instructions
- Right-click the malicious .exe file (you might have downloaded it yourself, but if you cannot find it, you can always employ a malware scanner).
- Select Delete to get rid of this file.
- Empty the Recycle Bin.
- Perform a full system scan (if you have not done this already) to inspect your PC.
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