What is CuteRansom Ransomware?
Did CuteRansom Ransomware attack your operating system? If it did, your personal files must be encrypted and renamed, and you must have been introduced to a message indicating that files were corrupted using YuAlock. This is an alternative name, but both are equally as valid. This malware works like your regular file-encryptor (e.g., XARCryptor Ransomware or BooM Ransomware), but it is not a cookie-cutter. At the time of research, this infection did not ask for a payment in return for a decryption key or program. In fact, the message created by the treat asked to send an email. This is bizarre, and, unfortunately, it is unlikely that anything can be done to decrypt files. Once they are corrupted, they are practically lost. The situation is not so hopeless if your files are backed up. If they are, you need to delete CuteRansom Ransomware and then figure out how to ensure that this threat – or any other – invades your operating system in the future.
How does CuteRansom Ransomware work?
It does not look like the suspicious CuteRansom Ransomware is spreading on a large scale yet, and so its distribution is still pretty much a mystery. Of course, our prediction is that spam emails and unpatched system vulnerabilities would be used to spread this malware. Remember that not all emails can be trusted even if they are addressed to you personally or if they appear to be legitimate. Always look at the email address of the sender and think twice before opening attachments or clicking links. If you are not cautious, all kinds of malware could be executed, not just ransomware. Once CuteRansom Ransomware is executed, it is meant to encrypt files immediately. The encrypted files should be renamed to a random jumble of characters, and the “.6db8” extension should be added as well. The threat can encrypt DOC, PDF, MP3, and many other kinds of files stored on your operating system. Unfortunately, the recovery of files is very unlikely. Hopefully, you have backups, and you can remove the corrupted files along with the malicious infection itself.
“D_E_C_R_Y_P_T.txt” is the name of the file that CuteRansom Ransomware creates after execution and after the files are encrypted. The file carries a message that informs about encryption by YuAlock. The message also suggests that while other ransomware infections request Bitcoins for decryption, the victim of CuteRansom Ransomware simply needs to send a message, but no further information is presented. It is possible that an upgraded version of the infection would include an email address, but even if it did, we do not recommend communicating with cyber criminals because they could use connection to you against you. For example, they could send you malware installers or demand a ransom payment in return for a bogus file decryptor. Other files that the infection creates include “sendBack.txt,” “secret.txt,” “data recive,” and “secretAES.txt.” We suggest removing them all. Every single component of this infection requires removal, and the sooner the threat is eliminated, the better. If your files were encrypted, it is unlikely that much can be done, but you should not dwell on that. The removal of the threat is important.
How to delete CuteRansom Ransomware
Have you installed a trusted malware scanner to examine your operating system? If you have not done that yet, do it now. Although it is likely that CuteRansom Ransomware is the only threat, others could exist too, and you do not want to overlook them. If you have employed a trustworthy malware scanner, you should also be able to upgrade it and use it as an automated anti-malware program. Without a doubt, removing CuteRansom Ransomware with the help of a trusted anti-malware program is the easiest and most effective solution, but some users might also be able to clear ransomware manually. If you can detect the ransomware launcher yourself, go ahead and eliminate the threat immediately. Note that you can ask questions in the comments section below, and our malware experts will try to help you ASAP.
Removal Instructions
- Delete suspicious files you have downloaded recently.
- Delete sendBack.txt, secret.txt, secretAES.txt, and data recive files from the Desktop.
- Delete the random note file, D_E_C_R_Y_P_T.txt.
- Empty Recycle Bin to erase the malicious files permanently.
- Install a malware scanner and complete a full system scan.
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