What is CryptoTorLocker2015?
CryptoTorLocker2015 is a malicious Windows infection that mainly affects TXT and image files. Once the threat corrupts your operating system, it immediately deletes files and creates mere imitations of them. The clandestine cryptolocker also drops the “HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt” file in every directory. When you open this file, you find a ransom message urging you to pay 100EUR/100USD to have the corrupted files decrypted. As mentioned before, CryptoTorLocker2015 deletes files, and so it is highly unlikely that anyone or anything will be able to restore them for you. Unfortunately, if the infection has managed to slither in, it is most likely that your personal files are lost. Of course, this does not mean that there is nothing you can do. You need to remove CryptoTorLocker2015 before the threat manages to corrupt more files or employ your operating system for other dangerous activity.
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How does CryptoTorLocker2015 work?
According to the experienced malware researchers at Anti-Spyware-101.com, CryptoTorLocker2015 can install itself on your Windows operating system without permission. The malicious infection can travel bundled with other malware, including Trojans, keyloggers, etc. Needless to say, these threats are less visible than CryptoTorLocker2015, but that does not mean that they are any less malicious. In fact, if you do not remove these threats, they could download more malicious threats and create other security issues. Of course, right now you need to focus on the removal of CryptoTorLocker2015, because this is the threat that can paralyze your entire operating system. We are sure that before you even realize that you need to delete CryptoTorLocker2015, you will discover that all shortcuts have been corrupted. Unfortunately, these shortcuts will not be restored even if you delete CryptoTorLocker2015. These shortcuts are corrupted to convince users that they will not be able to run their operating systems in a normal manner unless they pay the ransom.
Buyunlockcode Virus, KeyHolder, and SuperCrypt are just a few of the many cryptolocker ransomware that our malware researchers have recently analyzed. Even though CryptoTorLocker2015 is not identical to these threats, there is a possibility that any of them will corrupt your operating system if you do not take the necessary security measures. Continue reading to learn what you need to do right after you remove CryptoTorLocker2015 from your Windows operating system.
How to remove CryptoTorLocker2015
Unless you are skilled and experienced, you should not delete CryptoTorLocker2015 manually. Instead, you should install an automatic malware removal tool. This tool will remove CryptoTorLocker2015 files as well as other computer infections that might have been installed on your computer. Have you decided to decrypt the files? If you have, you need to remove the cryptolocker immediately after your files are restored. Of course, you should not expect all of the files to be restored, considering that some of them could be deleted and replaced with imitations. Overall, whether you choose to pay the Ukash ransom – which we do not recommend – or you install a decryption tool, you must not forget to delete CryptoTorLocker2015 afterward. You also need to make sure that reliable security software is set up to guard your operating system against other dangerous threats in the future.
Use these instructions to launch Internet Explorer and install a reliable malware remover that will delete CryptoTorLocker2015 from your PC.
Delete CryptoTorLocker2015
- Simultaneously tap keys Win+R on your keyboard to launch RUN.
- Enter iexplore, chrome, or firefox depending on which browser you wish to launch and click OK.
- Type http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/spyhunter into the address bar and tap Enter.
- Follow the instructions to install the automatic malware removal tool.
- Run a system scan and remove the detected threats.
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