What is CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware?
CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware means a major threat to your personal files, including your images, videos, documents, and archives. This ransomware program can infiltrate your system silently and encrypt your files without you noticing it until it is too late. Obviously, the surprise factor is a vital element for such a malware infection. Unfortunately, once your files have been encrypted, there is not much you can do to unlock them. These criminals try to make you believe that your only chance at getting your files back is to pay them the ransom fee for which they promise to send you the decryption key. Since dealing with criminals is rarely about mutual trust, you should be very careful what you decide on. Experience shows that victims almost never get the key when it comes to ransomware attacks. On the other hand, why would you support criminals? While this could be a dilemma for you, we recommend that you act immediately and remove CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware from your computer.
Where does CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware come from?
If you want to keep your computer safe, it is essential that you know how such a dangerous threat can sneak onto your system without your knowledge. It may come as a surprise but it is most likely you who is responsible for it due to the fact that at least three clicks are needed to activate this vicious attack. Let us explain how this is possible. Just like most of its predecessors, this ransomware program also spreads on the web in spam e-mails. The malicious executable file that is attached to a spam can appear to be a video with adult content as in "videohot_barbie.wmv.exe," an image, or a text file capable of macro (.docm and .pdf). As you can see this file may not even hide its real identity, i.e., that it is indeed an executable (".exe"); yet, it can fool so many victims. Of course, this attachment also has a fake icon that may be convincing; in this case a video icon.
You should be aware that this spam could be hard to spot even if it is with adult content; you could not know for sure that it may be this dangerous to have a peep at the video or whatever file is attached. It is also possible that this mail makes you believe that you forgot to pay for an invoice or a fine, or that someone may have used your credit card without your knowledge. Criminals can use any subject that would make you want to see the attached file. This is why you should become cautious around your mails and only open those that come from known and reputable senders and you actually expect them. Remember that when you delete CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware you can only do so because this infection showed itself to you, but it also means that your files have been taken hostage. We hope that it is clear now why prevention is so important when it comes to such dangerous malware infections.
Although we cannot confirm that this ransomware uses other methods to spread, we need to mention another widely-used method, the use of Exploit Kits. This is mostly dangerous for those users who fail to update their browsers and Flash and Java drivers regularly since these are outdated and vulnerable programs that can be exploited by cyber criminals to drop infections such as ransomware programs. Malicious websites are set up by criminals hiding malicious Java or Flash codes that are triggered the moment you load such a page. Therefore, it is advisable that you refrain from clicking on random third-party ads because you could easily find yourself on such a site, and this could be a devastating experience for you.
How does CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware work?
Our malware specialists at anti-spyware-101.com have found that this malware infection is based on the well-known open-source Hidden Tear Ransomware, just like other recent threats, including MafiaWare Ransomware and First Ransomware. This ransomware targets the usual files that can be most important to you, such as your photos, videos, documents, and archives. Once a file is encrypted, it gets a new extension, ".locked"; this extension has already been used by a couple of ransomware programs. Two identical .html files with different names ("RECUPERAR_ARCHIVOS.html" and "IMPORTANTE_LEER.html") are created on your desktop. These are the ransom note files containing information about this attack and how you can recover your files.
You are told to transfer 0.5 Bitcoins to a Bitcoin address, which is about $441. If you do not transfer the fee within 72 hours, you will lose the opportunity to ever decrypt your files since these criminals threaten you to delete your only chance, the decryption key. If you transfer the money, you have to send an e-mail to cryptosweettooth@gmail.com with the proof of transfer. You are promised to get a reply with the key; however, you should not really bank on it. As a matter of fact, we believe that the safest and best thing for you to do is to delete CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware right now.
How can I remove CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware?
Such a horrible attack has only one good side really and it is the lesson it teaches for other potential victims about the importance of making regular backups. If you have a backup of your files on a portable drive or in a cloud storage, you can easily transfer your files back onto your hard disk after you remove CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware. Speaking of which, please follow our instructions below if you want to take matters into your own hands and want to eliminate this major threat manually. Maybe now you understand how easy it is to infect your system with such a serious malware threat. If you do not trust your browsing habits, it could be the right time to consider using a powerful anti-malware application to automatically protect your PC from all existing malicious attacks.
Remove CryptoSweetTooth Ransomware from Windows
- Tap Win+E to open File Explorer.
- Delete the malicious file you saved from the spam.
- Empty your Recycle Bin and reboot your PC.
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