What is .crypted034 Ransomware?
Ransomware infections have been so prevalent that perhaps everyone has heard about them by now. If you happen to encounter .crypted034 Ransomware, you probably know what to expect from it, as it is your average ransomware infection that behaves like any other program from the same category. To put it simply, .crypted034 Ransomware encrypts target files, and then expects you to pay for the decryption key. The point is that there is no need to pay money for something this infection probably cannot even deliver. Simply remove .crypted034 Ransomware from your system immediately, and then make sure that you do not get infected by a similar intruder again.
Where does .crypted034 Ransomware come from?
Judging from our research, .crypted034 Ransomware comes from the Scarab Ransomware family. It is a rather big group of ransomware infections, all of which are known to share similar ransom notes. However, it is very seldom that the same decryption key can be applied to several members of the same family, so if you do not have a file backup, you might have to think a little bit about all the potential file recovery options.
Either way, since .crypted034 Ransomware is similar to Scarab-Good Ransomware, Scarab-Glutton Ransomware, Scarab-Cybergod Ransomware, and others, this program clearly employs similar distribution patterns. It means that it probably arrives via spam email attachments, and users launch these malicious files themselves. This happens because spam emails trick users into thinking they open important messages, and they must check the “documents” that come with these messages. However, there is nothing real about these files, except for the fact that they REALLY infect you with malware.
Therefore, to avoid getting infected with .crypted034 Ransomware, you should be careful about the files you receive on a daily basis. Delete all the spam mail messages no questions asked, and don’t forget to scan the received files with a reliable antispyware tool before opening them.
What does .crypted034 Ransomware do?
Since .crypted034 Ransomware is a ransomware infection, we are more than aware of the fact that it encrypts personal files. It basically scrambles the byte information within a file, and after that, the system can no longer read it. It also scrambles filenames, so you will not be able to recognize your data library after the encryption at all.
What’s more, after the encryption, .crypted034 Ransomware has the audacity to display the ransom note. The ransom note opens automatically whenever you turn on your computer, and it is also dropped into every single folder than contains encrypted files. The ransom note filename is HOW TO RECOVER ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT, and here’s what it has to say:
Your files are now encrypted!
All your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC.Now you should send us email with your personal identifier.
This email will be as confirmation you re ready to pay for decryption key.
You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us.
After payment we will send you the decryption tool that will decryption all your files.
Would .crypted034 Ransomware really “release” your files if you were to pay the ransom? That is highly unlikely because the program was released quite some time ago, and so its server is probably down by now. Also, there might be a public decryption tool available for it by now. You might want look into this issue. Or, you can address a professional who would help you with recovering your files.
How do I remove .crypted034 Ransomware?
The funny thing about .crypted034 Ransomware is that you do not technically need to remove this infection from your system. The ransomware deletes itself once the encryption is complete. So, your utmost priority, in this case, is file recovery and safeguarding your system against other threats.
For that, you should consider investing in a licensed antispyware tool that would ensure your PC is protected against various threats. Also, regularly back up your files on an external hard drive or a cloud drive, where you could always access them in case of emergency. Finally, if this is all too confusing to you, be sure to address a professional who will help you solve this issue.
Manual .crypted034 Ransomware Removal
- Scan your computer with SpyHunter.
- Delete all the malicious files.
- Remove the HOW TO RECOVERY ENCRYPTED FILES.TXT from your system.
- Restart your computer.
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