What is Cryp1 Ransomware?
We are sure that you will immediately understand that Cryp1 Ransomware has entered your system if this really happens. First of all, you will notice that all your personal files contain the new filename extension .crypt1. Secondly, your Desktop will be covered by a screen-sized message in the black background, and you will not be able to remove it. Cryp1 Ransomware is a new version of the CryptXXX Ransomware, which used to add the .crypt extension to files, so it is not surprising why they both act in a similar manner. Even though both Cryp1 Ransomware and CryptXXX Ransomware are very similar computer infections, there is something unique about Cryp1 Ransomware. We are going to focus on the way it acts in this report. Also, you will find important information regarding the deletion of the threat here too.
What does Cryp1 Ransomware do?
Cryp1 Ransomware acts the way CryptXXX Ransomware does, so it will lock all the files the first thing it sneaks onto the computer. The list of files this infection encrypts is very long, and we are sure that you will be no longer able to access all your favorite files, including pictures, music, documents, videos, and text files. You can be sure that the file is encrypted if it has the .crypt1 extension and it cannot be opened. Ransomware infections act this way because they just want to steal money from users. As we have managed to find out, the ransom cyber criminals demand to pay for the decryption key might reach $500, which is very expensive, so you should consider whether your files are really worth the money. Also, you should keep in mind that you might not even get the key after transferring money the ransomware asks. Security specialists working at anti-spyware-101.com say that the free decryptor should be released soon, so you should wait for this to happen instead of paying money to cyber criminals. Also, you should know that you can recover files from a backup you have made before the ransomware infection has sneaked onto your computer. It is not that easy to decrypt those files because Cryp1 Ransomware uses “a strong encryption with RSA-4096.”
Even though this ransomware infection acts like other similar threats, i.e. it sneaks onto computers without permission, encrypts files, and locks the screen by placing the window with a message there, specialists still say that this infection is quite unique. It has been found that Cryp1 Ransomware places the .dll file in the CLSID folder it creates in %TEMP% instead of creating the .exe file. In addition, it needs the rundll32.exe file which can be found in %WINDIR%\SysWOW64 or %WINDIR%\System32 to launch the .dll file. Moreover, this ransomware infection creates files with the ransom note in %ALLUSERSPROFILE% and %USERPROFILE%. Finally, it differs from other ransomware infections in a sense that it needs more time to encrypt files. To be more specific, it might need 15-62 minutes to do that depending on the version.
Where does Cryp1 Ransomware come from?
We believe that you might not allow similar threats to enter your system if you know how they are usually distributed. In the case of Cryp1 Ransomware, it is usually spread using Angler Exploit Kits or might be dropped by a Trojan infection, which means that you should be careful on the web and do not visit questionable websites. What’s more, security specialists highly recommend that you install an automatic antimalware tool on your computer and enable it. Finally, you should never open spam email attachments because it is known that ransomware infections are spread via spam emails too.
How to delete Cryp1 Ransomware
Before you go for the Cryp1 Ransomware removal, you need to unlock the screen to be able to access the Windows Explorer. Luckily, you could do that by simply rebooting your computer (tap Ctrl+Shift+A and then click on the Restart button). After you do that, you should immediately eliminate the ransomware from the system. Users who are going to pay a ransom should not delete this threat because they will not be able to transfer money.
Delete Cryp1 Ransomware
- Open the Windows Explorer.
- Enter %TEMP% in the address bar and tap Enter.
- Locate the .dll with the random name in the CLSID folder, e.g. {C3F31E62-344D-4056-BF01-BF77B94E0254}.
- Delete it.
- Go to %ALLUSERSPROFILE% and remove .bmp and .html files.
- Delete .bmp, .html, and .txt files from %USERPROFILE%\Desktop.
- Empty the Recycle bin and reboot your PC.
N.B. It is a must to scan the system with an automatic scanner, e.g. SpyHunter after the removal of this infection (if you erase it manually) because your computer might contain other threats that need to be deleted ASAP.
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