What is CryLock Ransomware?
CryLock Ransomware is one of those dangerous infections that can encrypt your personal files. The infection can take you by surprise, but you shouldn’t wait any longer. The sooner you remove CryLock Ransomware from your system, the better.
Please bear in mind that sometimes it is not possible to restore all the files that were affected by such an intruder. However, that shouldn’t push you into paying the ransom fee. It would be better to invest in cybersecurity measures that would protect you from similar infections in the future. For more information, feel free to leave us a comment below.
Where does CryLock Ransomware come from?
CryLock Ransomware happens to be a new version of the Cryakl Ransomware infection. This means that this new program might employ the same distribution tactic, and it could be based on the same malicious code, too.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t mean that we could employ the old decryption key for CryLock Ransomware (provided there was one). Also, it is very likely that public decryption keys for such minor infections do not get developed in the first place. Hence, you have to look for other ways to restore your data.
In fact, when we have to deal with ransomware infections, we have to understand that prevention is the most important thing here. We have to be able to recognize the malware distribution patterns so that we could prevent CryLock Ransomware from entering target systems.
So, how does CryLock Ransomware spread around? Our research team says that the application most likely travels via spam, unsecured RDP, and malicious downloads. Thus, users download and install such infections willingly because they do not recognize the potential threat.
When you encounter spam emails with attachments, you have to either delete these messages immediately or at least scan the attached files before you open them. Sure, it might seem like those attached files are important documents, but if you weren’t looking forward to receiving those documents, why should they be real? In fact, scanning the receiving files before opening them should be part of your daily online habits. Invest in a licensed antispyware tool that will help you screen the received files, and you will definitely minimize the potential of a ransomware infection.
What does CryLock Ransomware do?
As you can definitely tell, this program encrypts your personal files. Normally, these programs affect files in the %USERPROFILE% directory. When the encryption is done, all the locked-up files receive a long additional extension that contains the email address you have to use to contact the criminals behind this mess and the infection ID. Please note that the infection ID is unique, and it changes from one system to the other.
Needless to say, aside from file encryption, CryLock Ransomware drops the ransom note, too. The ransom note is usually dropped on the Desktop in the HTA format file “How_to_Decrypt.” The file contains the most common ransom note:
All your documents, databases, backups, and other critical files were encrypted.
Our software used the AES cryptographic algorithm (you can find related information in Wikipedia).It happened because of security problems on your server, and you cannot use any of these files anymore. The only way to recover your data is to buy a decryption key from us.
The criminals say that you can get a discount if you contact them within two days, but the note doesn’t say how much you’re expected to pay for the decryption key in the first place. Hence, it is very likely that these criminals can change the price on a whim, and you are bound to be ripped off.
How do I remove CryLock Ransomware?
If you have a file back-up, you can simply remove CryLock Ransomware along with the encrypted files, and then transfer the healthy copies back into your system. Of course, if you do not have copies of your files, it is very unfortunate. Nevertheless, paying the ransom should never be an option. You should definitely consult an IT professional before you decide on what you should do next. However, it is clear that you need to learn more about ransomware, and you should invest in a security tool that would help you screen all the received files.
Manual CryLock Ransomware Removal
- Delete suspicious files from Desktop.
- Delete suspicious files from the Downloads folder.
- Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Click OK.
- Remove the most recent files from the directory.
- Run a full system scan with SpyHunter.
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