What is Crybrazil Ransomware?
If you live in Brazil or speak Portuguese, Crybrazil Ransomware is an infection that is specifically targeted at you. The installer of this dangerous infection could be dropped using remote access or introduced to you as a harmless spam email attachment. Other methods could be employed to spread this malware as well. Our Anti-Spyware-101.com research team has found that the infection was built using the infamous Hidden Tear source code. We have reviewed hundreds of other infections (e.g., Cyberresearcher Ransomware) that have been built using the same code and spread in similar ways. Although all of these threats have unique features, they function in the same ways. For one, they were all created to terrorize Windows users, hijack their files, and demand huge ransom fees in return for decryptors and decryption keys. In some cases, free decryptors are released by malware researchers, but one that would work with this malware did not exist at the time of research. All in all, whether or not you decrypt your files, you must delete Crybrazil Ransomware as soon as possible. The removal tips we have for you will surely help.
How does Crybrazil Ransomware work?
Crybrazil Ransomware can really damage your files. Although it is set to encrypt files in six specific directories only (%USERPROFILE%\Desktop, %USERPROFILE%\Documents, %USERPROFILE%\Downloads, %USERPROFILE%\Pictures, %USERPROFILE%\Music, and %USERPROFILE%\Videos), these are the directories that you might keep your most personal files in. The infection also has a specific list of files that it can encrypt (among 256 different types of files, we have .txt, .doc, .jpg, .avi, .pdf, .mp3, etc.). If the malicious threat encrypts these files successfully, the “.crybrazil” extension is appended to their names immediately, and that should help you spot the corrupted files faster. Since the original names of these files should not be modified, it should be easy for you to determine if or not backups exist online or on external drives. If they do, you can remove the files corrupted by Crybrazil Ransomware without any hesitation. Afterward, of course, you should rush to delete the infection itself. Do you want to check your backups first? If you do, make sure you do that using a malware-free system because the last thing you want is to have your backup copies corrupted too.
Besides corrupting files, Crybrazil Ransomware is also capable of creating files. One of them is called “SUA_CHAVE.html,” and it is created on the Desktop. The file contains a link to a website you should not visit under any circumstances. If you do, you could be led to scam and malware-related pages. Another file is created in the %HOMEDRIVE%\user\ folder, and it is called “ranso4.jpg.” This file is automatically set as the wallpaper of your operating system, and it introduces victims to the initial message. According to it, “Todos os seus arquivos foram criptografados, para recuperá-Ios de volta entre em contato: LOSALPHAGROUP@PROTONMAILCOM.” Should you email this address? You certainly can do it; however, we do not recommend it. First of all, you do not want your own email address recorded. Second, you are unlikely to get what you want. Once the creator of Crybrazil Ransomware establishes communication, they can ask you to pay a ransom in return for a decryptor. That you shouldn't do unless you want to waste your money. If you ever decide to pay money for anything, you need a guarantee that that something will be provided to you. In this case, there are no guarantees.
How to delete Crybrazil Ransomware
You want to remove Crybrazil Ransomware, and you want to do it as soon as possible. Less experienced users are likely to find it difficult to find, identify and erase all malicious components, which is why installing anti-malware software is recommended. Once it is installed, it can erase all existing infections automatically, as well as protect the operating system to ensure that malware does not invade again. This option is by far the best one you’ve got. Of course, you could try to delete Crybrazil Ransomware manually using the instructions below, but since we cannot guarantee that you will locate the threat on your own, we suggest investing in software that can aid you. Regardless of which removal method you choose, if you have questions for our research team, do not hesitate to post a comment below.
Removal Instructions
- Right-click and Delete the launcher of the ransomware (its location and name are unknown).
- Tap Win+E keys to access Windows Explorer.
- Type %HOMEDRIVE% into the space at the top and tap Enter.
- Right-click and Delete the folder named user (this folder should contain a sub-folder called Rand123 – with local.exe inside – and a file named ranso4.jpg).
- Go to the Desktop and then right-click and Delete the file named SUA_CHAVE.html.
- Empty Recycle Bin and then immediately run a full system scan to make sure malware was not left behind.
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