What is Coperanking999.today?
Coperanking999.today is a fake alert website that can scam you and push you to purchase an unnecessary security tool or service. This webpage pretends to be a Windows error page that claims that your operating system got corrupted and tells you to immediately call the provided toll-free telephone number. We have seen in the past year very similar threats emerging that are also considered as technical support scams, including "Your Computer Has Been Locked To Prevent Damage fake alert," "Your Computer Is In Blocked State fake alert," and "Ransomware Detected." All of these fake alerts have but one goal: To trick you into buying something that you do not even need. What is worse, these schemers may also ask you to share your personal details or grant remote access to your PC so that an alleged fixing could take place. We do not advise you to do any of those because you could lose more than just the money you would pay for a useless piece of software. Our malware experts at anti-spyware-101.com recommend that you remove Coperanking999.today and any possibly related threats right away and follow it by eliminating all other potentially harmful programs from your computer.
Where does Coperanking999.today come from?
You can end up on this scamming website basically in two ways. First, and this is the better option for you, it is possible that you simply click on the wrong content on the wrong website and you get redirected to this fake alert page. We recommend that you stay away from suspicious websites usually associated with file sharing, gaming, betting, dating, and porn. These are the most usual pages that can present to you questionable third-party contents, including unsafe advertisements (pop-ups and banners), fake buttons, and fake notifications. Apart from being redirected to this fake alert webpage, it is also possible that you drop a bundle of malicious threats in this way. No wonder why we emphasize that you should try to avoid these pages and the exposure to questionable third-party content altogether. If this is how you may have ended up with this page in your browser, it is possible that it is enough for you to close this tab or the browser window to delete Coperanking999.today from your PC.
Second, and this is the worse case, you may have infected your computer previously with malware like adware programs, browser hijackers, or potentially unwanted programs, which could be responsible for the redirection to this fake alert page. You can easily infect your system with all these threats in one go if you install a malicious software bundle. As we have mentioned, you can drop one if you visit suspicious pages and click on corrupt third-party ads. If you want to be certain that your PC is secure, we recommend that you scan your system with a reliable online malware scanner right after you delete Coperanking999.today, i.e., the infection that could be responsible for this fake alert.
How does Coperanking999.today work?
When you get redirected to this page, you may totally believe that it is an authentic Microsoft error page since it uses the Windows logo and label as well as your supposed system data. This page also shows pop-ups that notify you about an alleged corruption that is supposed to have happened to your operating system and thus your files and stored data may not be safe anymore. You are instructed to call "001-800-630-3153," a supposed toll-free number for immediate technical support. Please note that this is a tech support scam, which means that you will not speak to any real Microsoft certified technician. Instead, you will talk with a salesperson who will try to convince you to buy a system fixer application or a service that can be one-time only or even annual. We advise you not to contact these schemers if you do not want to disclose sensitive information. Giving your personal details or remote access to these schemers could lead to serious issues. Your provided information could be used to commit online fraud and these crooks may also try to steal further information from your computer.
How can I remove Coperanking999.today?
As we have mentioned, first, you need to close the browser tab or the window to get rid of this fake alert page and its messages. It is possible that your computer is not infected, although it is quite unlikely. We suggest that you reset all your major browsers, including Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. We have included the necessary instructions below so that you can perform these steps yourself. If this does not help somehow and this fake alert page keeps reoccurring in your browsers, we also recommend that you check out your list of installed programs in Control Panel and uninstall any application that looks suspicious and may have something to do with this. If you would like to defend your PC against similar threats, it is best to install a reliable malware removal application like SpyHunter.
Remove Coperanking999.today from browsers
Mozilla Firefox
- Press Alt+H.
- Go to Troubleshooting information and press Refresh Firefox at the top.
- Press Refresh Firefox again in the pop-up.
Internet Explorer
- Press Alt+T.
- Open Internet Options and click the Advanced tab.
- Press Reset and tick the Delete personal settings checkbox.
- Click Reset.
- Press Close.
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F and open Settings.
- Click Advanced at the bottom.
- Click Reset at the bottom.
- Press Reset.
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