What is COPAN Ransomware?
COPAN Ransomware might look like an entirely new computer infection, but the truth is that it is merely a newer version of the notorious Dharma Ransomware program. It is also a rather slippery infection because it doesn’t leave much for us to deal with: It is known to delete itself once the encryption is complete. Nevertheless, there are still things you can to do remove COPAN Ransomware and everything related to it from your system. Also, it would be a good idea to learn more about ransomware and its distribution methods because you can never know when a similar intruder tumbles down into your PC again.
Where does COPAN Ransomware come from?
As mentioned, COPAN Ransomware is another version of Dharma Ransomware. It usually means that the program was tweaked slightly, and it comes with a new file extension and a new ransom note. Other than that, the behavior should be pretty much the same.
Unfortunately, it is often hard to pinpoint the exact distribution source when it comes to ransomware infections. Unless they target one specific target (like a business entity), it might be hard to tell how exactly the likes of COPAN Ransomware spread around.
We do know for sure, however, that the most common ransomware distribution method is spam email campaigns. It means that COPAN Ransomware and other similar infections tend to reach their target in spam email attachments. Users are tricked into thinking that the attachments are important documents, and they have to open them at once.
However, you have to weigh everything before you open an attachment received from an unfamiliar sender. Even if the sender looks reliable, you should still at least scan the file before opening it. In fact, scanning the received files with a powerful antispyware tool would be a good habit that would definitely help you protect your system from various infections.
What does COPAN Ransomware do?
Since COPAN Ransomware is another version of Dharma Ransomware, it works just like its predecessor. Once this infection is on-board, it scans the affected system looking for the files it can encrypt. According to the data that we have, this program uses the AES encryption algorithm to lock your personal files. It doesn’t affect the files in the %WINDIR% directory, however. It means that the infection needs your system to work so that it could collect the ransom payments.
When the encryption is complete, COPAN Ransomware displays a ransom note that says the following:
Hello, dear friend.
All your files are encrypted with a unique key.
Are you sure you want to recover all your files?
Write us an email: acva@foxmail.com
Enter your unique ID in the message: [ID]
As you can see, it doesn’t say anything about how much you have to pay for the decryption or how fast the criminals would issue the key. In fact, there is always a chance that it is impossible to reach them, and you wouldn’t get the decryption key even if you were willing to pay for it.
On the other hand, computer security experts maintain that paying the ransom is never a good option because it only encourages the criminals to continue their malicious deeds. Instead, you should learn how to delete spam emails as soon as you receive them, and it should also be a priority to back up your files on a cloud drive or an external hard disk. Most of the systems now offer you to set up a cloud drive automatically because that is the best remedy against the ransomware infection. You may not get a public decryption tool for COPAN Ransomware, but it is always possible to delete the encrypted files, and just start anew with the healthy copies.
How do I remove COPAN Ransomware?
Based on what we have found, this program does not create a Point of Execution. It means that you just need to remove the files associated with it, and that’ll be it. As mentioned, COPAN Ransomware tends to delete itself automatically, so if you do not know which files have to be removed, scanned your computer with the SpyHunter free scanner. Afterwards, be sure to protect your PC from harm, and if you have more questions about cybersecurity, please be sure to address a professional.
Manual COPAN Ransomware Removal
- Go to the Downloads folder.
- Remove the most recently downloaded files.
- Delete the ransom note from Desktop.
- Delete unfamiliar files from Desktop.
- Run a full system scan.
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