
What is ConverterSearchPlus?

Have you recently installed ConverterSearchPlus? No? You have no idea what this app is and why it’s on your browser? Then you’ve opened the right page. You can scroll to the bottom of this entry for the manual removal instructions, or you can continue reading the description to find out more about ConverterSearchPlus. The bottom line is that this extension is a potentially unwanted program, and it could be associated with certain security issues. Although it is not there to infect you with malware, you shouldn’t overlook the risks no matter how small they might be.test

Where does ConverterSearchPlus come from?

We are more than sure that this extension is a direct descendent of ConvertItSearch, IStreamSearch, ConverterSearchNow, and multiple other browser extensions intended for the Chrome browser. They are clearly released by the same developers as they share the same layout, similar domain addresses, and the same distribution patterns.

Of course, it should be pointed out that potentially unwanted programs are not direct security threats. So, if you think that ConverterSearchPlus is a browser hijacker, you’re wrong. A browser hijacker doesn’t ask your permission when it modifies your browser’s settings. This app, however, does inform you about it, and if you were too distracted to notice that you have to work on your web browsing habits.

Either way, ConverterSearchPlus can be found at, and we also have an entire page for it at the Chrome Web Store. The Chrome Web Store pages shows that more than 10,000 users have added this extension to their browsers so far. Of course, we don’t know whether those additions were conscious or not, but the sheer number of installations makes ConverterSearchPlus look more reliable. However, there is only one review for the app, so we can’t really know whether the user satisfaction is genuine or not.

The overview for this extension says that ConverterSearchPlus is “the best way to search.” Apparently, “this product lets you browse the web and get easy access to search, images, videos and news.” As it says in the description of all the other apps from the same group, it is a “single purpose extension.”

So, in a sense, you can choose whether you want to add ConverterSearchPlus to your browser, but if you encounter it via third-party sources, you may not even realize that you are being offered this product. Thus, you need to be wary of all the pop-ups that you see on your screen when you browse the web.

What does ConverterSearchPlus do?

As its description says, ConverterSearchPlus provides you with a search service. To do that, it changes your default search engine, and it also employs tracking cookies to collect information on your browsing history. If you’re wondering whether that’s legal, yes, it is. Especially since you gave your permission to do so. If you don’t remember ever doing so, you must have missed the extra lines that came with the notification that you clicked on the pop-up offering ConverterSearchPlus.

Either way, the bottom line is that you agreed to have this extension, and now it collects the data on the websites you visit and the things you search the web for. It’s not a bad thing, but there is a glaring security loophole here: ConverterSearchPlus is not responsible for the third-party content security. In other words, it might display modified search results that would be related to your likes and preferences. But it doesn’t review the links and doesn’t make sure that they lead you to safe websites. Hence, if you accidentally found yourself at some malware-related page, you would have no one else but yourself to blame.

How do I remove ConverterSearchPlus?

To avoid all these annoying security issues, you should consider removing ConverterSearchPlus today. The fastest way to achieve that is restoring your browser’s settings to default. It will remove other extensions and cookies, but you will then be sure that no one is tracking your browsing history anymore. You can also employ a security tool and give your system a thorough scan. Since potentially unwanted programs tend to travel in packs, you might have more unwanted apps running. So, make sure you terminate everything even remotely suspicious, and then stay away from fishy websites in the future.

Manual ConverterSearchPlus Removal

  1. Launch Chrome and press Alt+F.
  2. Press Settings on the drop-down menu.
  3. Click Advanced at the bottom of the page.
  4. Press Restore settings to their original defaults.
  5. Click Reset settings to confirm. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of ConverterSearchPlus*

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