Converter Suite

What is Converter Suite?

Did you download Converter Suite for your Google Chrome browser already, or are you still researching this extension to see if you want to use it. In either case, this report prepared by our research team is likely to help you better understand the extension. If you have automatically assumed that it is a PDF converter, know that there is more to it, and not everything is as straightforward as we would like it to be. A completely trustworthy program is one that does not take on privileges that are not needed to serve its basic purpose. In this case, the extension is presented as a file converter, but it is also a search tool and a data-collector that can deliver advertisements. Of course, when it comes to free services, it is only fair that companies find ways to finance them, but you have to know your limits and decide what kind of activity is warranted or not. If you decide to delete Converter Suite after reading this report, a removal guide is already available below. If you decide to keep the extension installed, you will at least know more about it.testtest

How does Converter Suite work?

Converter Suite is introduced by Innover Group – the same company that created Ezy Photo Tab and Shield My Searches – at If you click the ‘CONTINUE’ button on this website, you are routed to The Chrome Web Store is viewed as a trusted source by most Chrome users, but keep in mind that you should always dig deeper. According to the information presented next to the installer, Converter Suite can provide you with a PDF converter tool, a way to merge, save, and share files, links to audio, video, and PDF conversion sites, and also a search tool via the New Tab. This is where the PUP (potentially unwanted program) works from. So, once you open your browser and click the New Tab page, you are introduced to, where you can find a list of easy-access links to related sites and a search dialog box. At the time of research, this search redirected to, and the results were not modified. This is great news, but the PUP claims to offer a custom search tool, and so you have to be vigilant about the results you are shown.

If you download Converter Suite, you grant it the permission to read your browsing history, which is done using web cookies. They are both persistent and session cookies, and certain types of information can be retained. If you enable notifications associated with the PUP, it also can show you advertisements and promotional content. This is the kind of stuff that you might be uncomfortable with if all you wanted was a converter. Many users of this extension might also be dissatisfied with the services provided. At the end of the day, Converter Suite presents links to third-party websites that offer file conversion, and you do not need an extension to access them. So, even if you do not care about data-tracking cookies, a search redirector, or suspicious ads shown using the notifications tool, you might decide to delete the PUP anyway.

How to delete Converter Suite

Do not worry about the removal of Converter Suite. This PUP is a simple extension that can be deleted with a click of your mouse. All you have to do is find the right entry in the ‘Extensions’ menu, as shown in the guide below. If you also want to eliminate the cookies that could have been placed while interacting with the extension, you should clear browsing data. If you have not done that before, you might want to clear everything. That might even increase your browser’s speed. Unfortunately, some users might install the PUP using bundled downloaders along with more serious threats or other PUPs. If that has happened, and if you are not sure if the additional pieces can be trusted, we recommend using a genuine anti-malware tool to help you inspect your system and perform a complete removal if needed. Without a doubt, the best part about this tool is that it can protect you in the future, which you need if you want to evade malware.

Removal Instructions (Google Chrome)

  1. Launch the browser and tap Alt+F keys.
  2. Click More tools in the menu on the right.
  3. Click Extensions to find the PUP.
  4. Click the Remove button linked to it.
  5. Tap Ctrl+Shift+Delete keys.
  6. In the menu at the top, click Advanced.
  7. Choose a time range and boxes.
  8. Click the Clear data button below. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Converter Suite*

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