Convert Your File Now

What is Convert Your File Now?

Our researchers came across a new Mindspark toolbar called Convert Your File Now. Same as other similar Mindspark toolbars, it was classified as a potentially unwanted program. It means that the application could have irritating qualities that might make some users want to get rid of it. If you want to know what kind of annoying functionality this extension might have, you should read the rest of this article. By reading it you can also learn how this potentially unwanted program could be spread and how it could be erased. For users who might need more help while erasing Convert Your File Now, we have prepared detailed deletion instructions available at the end of this article. If you have any questions about the removal process of the plugin itself, we encourage you to use our comments section.testtesttest

Where does Convert Your File Now come from?

The extension is not compatible with any other browser besides Google Chrome. If you use this browser and sometimes visit Chrome Web Store, you could find Convert Your File Now there. As for users who do not download extensions from Chrome Web Store page, they could obtain it from the potentially unwanted program’s homepage ( Besides, our researchers at suspect that the plugin could be distributed through bundled software installers and pop-up ads. We do not know this for sure, but we believe it could be possible because lots of similar potentially unwanted programs are distributed through ads and file-sharing web pages. Therefore, we advise being attentive when you pick new software and try to download it from legitimate web pages only if you want to avoid applications alike in the future.

How does Convert Your File Now work?

Same as the other similar potentially unwanted programs Convert Your File Now might hijack users’ homepages and change their default search engines or new tab pages. Instead of your usual homepage, search engine, or new tab page, the application might place a search website of its own. Our researchers say that the extension’s search tool might use Yahoo search engine to both gather and display results. Thus, if you added the plugin because you expected to receive a new and powerful search tool, you could be disappointed.

Furthermore, users who come across Convert Your File Now should be aware that the application could be collecting information about their browsers, their geographical locations, IP addresses, search keywords, and data alike. According, to the potentially unwanted program’s Privacy Policy statements, the tool’s developers could share collected information with “Advertisers and advertising networks” that may “place ads (including sponsored links in search results) on or through our Services.” In other words, it seems that the application could show third-party advertisements.

Since the mentioned document says that ads could appear among search results, it is possible that the extension uses a modified version. It means that the results displayed through the modified version could be different than what you would receive if you searched through the original Yahoo search tool.

How to eliminate Convert Your File Now?

If you decide you wish to remove Convert Your File Now, you could use our deletion instructions that you can find just a bit below this article. Our steps show how to erase the plugin from the Google Chrome’s extensions menu. Of course, if you find the process a bit too complicated, we encourage you not to hesitate to get a legitimate antimalware tool that could delete Convert Your File Now for you.

Remove Convert Your File Now

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Press ALT+F.
  3. Pick More tools and select Extensions.
  4. Find Convert Your File Now.
  5. Press Remove and select Remove.
  6. Relaunch the browser. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Convert Your File Now*

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