What is Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware?
Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware could make your day turn into a nightmare if it shows up unexpectedly on your computer. This ransomware program is a dangerous threat to your files because it can encrypt them beyond repair. As a matter of fact, our researchers say that it is not yet known what type of encryption algorithm this malware infection uses to take your files hostage. Therefore, there is no free tool yet available on the net that you could use to restore your files. Right now it seems that you have two choices to choose from. First, you can use your recently backed up files from your cloud storage or removable drive if you have such. If not, this vicious attack should be a good lesson for the future. Second, you might risk transferring the shockingly high ransom fee to these cyber criminals but we would not like to be in your place when you realize that your payment was in vain. We are here to help you remove Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware from your computer. Leaving this beast on board would be a big mistake. Please read our full report to find out how you can avoid similar attacks.
Where does Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware come from?
There are mainly two potential ways for you to let this vicious program onto your system. The most likely method these crooks may use to distribute this infection is via spam e-mails. This is the most widely used weapon for cyber criminals because it is still quite easy to trick unsuspecting computer users. These spam mails therefore try to aim at your curiosity. First, your doubt is smashed by using legitimate-looking sender e-mail addresses, such as local authorities. This way you would not even think that this could be a malicious mail. The next line of attack is the subject line, which has a very important role to play; this is the main attractor in fact. This spam could pretend to be anything really that would draw your attention even if you find this mail in the spam folder. For example, “Re: your invoice No. #13022016HDDS,” “Returned parcel due to wrong address,” “Re: your booking #323425, wrong credit card details provided,” and so on.
There are mostly two types of reactions to such spam mails. First, you click to open this spam right away because it looks important. Second, you may feel that something is off here and the mail could not be possibly related to you, but you still open it to see if you are right. The biggest mistake you can do is to save the attached file to see it because this file is indeed a malicious executable. When you click to open it, this ransomware downloads and activates in the background. Deleting Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware at this point would not save your files anymore. Prevention is the only way for you to be able to protect your files.
Another popular method is the use of so-called Exploit Kits. Cyber criminals can set up malicious webpages that contain Javascript or Flash content that can exploit the vulnerabilities of outdated browser or driver versions. This is why we keep emphasizing the importance of keeping all your programs and drivers up-to-date. Remember that if you remove Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware after you realize the destruction it has done, you will not be able to restore your files.
How does Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware work?
There is a few-minute delay before this malware infection starts encrypting your files. This might be enough for you to delete Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware from your system, but what are the chances of your finding out about its presence? Not too much in fact. Once it starts up, it targets your files with the following extensions: odt, txt, zip, def, xml, cfg, chm, png, dat, uca, jcp, jrs, jtx, gif, sqlite, json, mozlz4, js, cache, pset, reg, isl, sbstore, little, html, dtd, lua, conf, exp, h, 3gpp2, apc, acc, and ini. All the infected files get a new extension containing an e-mail address: "!_______GLOK9200@GMAIL.COM_____.tar." It is also possible that this e-mail is “Cocoslim98@gmail.com” in different samples. The most interesting thing about this ransomware infection is probably the fact that it does not leave any ransom notes and it does not lock your screen either with such a note. Practically, you will only realize that your files do not start and they have a new extension.
Since there is no information left behind by these crooks, you practically have no other choice to learn about how you can restore your files than contacting them via the e-mail address you can find in the new extension. User reports suggest that you will get a reply message in which these criminals ask for not less than 7 Bitcoins, i.e., around $5,020 to send you instructions and even tips for securing your servers. This insanely high amount and their remark about the servers suggest us that these crooks could be targeting companies. In order to show their capability of restoring your files, you can send them up to 3 files with the size limit of 30Mb each, which they will send back recovered. We do not think that as a personal computer user you would store files only on your hard drive that are worth this much; around 5,000 US dollars. Although it is all up to you whether you pay or not, we recommend that you think twice before making any decision. You are dealing with criminals here and this means no guarantee for you. We advise you to remove Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware ASAP.
How to delete Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware
Since this ransomware infection does not lock your screen and does not block your .exe files either, it is really not that difficult to act. If you feel ready for some manual work to eliminate Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware, please use our instructions below this article. If you are lucky or wise enough to have a backup copy, this is what you should first, too. Unfortunately, it is quite likely that you will find other malware infections on your computer as well. It is essential for your virtual safety that you make sure that there are no other potentially harmful programs on board and possibly keep it that way. In order to be effective, we suggest that you use a reliable anti-malware program that not only will remove Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware from your system but it will also do the same with all other malware infections as well as safeguard your system from future attacks.
Remove Cocoslim98@gmail.com Ransomware from Windows
- Tap Win+E.
- Delete these random-name ("*") files (could be, e.g., "pKfkxSbs.lnk") and folders if you find them in these locations:
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*.lnk
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*.lnk
%USERPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*.lnk
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*.lnk
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\*.lnk
%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\PeerDistRepub
Temp\*.exe - Empty your Recycle Bin and reboot your system.
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