What is Click Me Ransomware?
Click Me Ransomware is a computer infection that can encrypt personal files it finds stored on the computer. Even though it does not lock files these days, it might be fixed in the future and start doing that. Therefore, users who will read this article in the future might find slightly inaccurate information in this article. No matter you encounter a version that encrypts files or not, it will open a window with a fake game once it enters the computer. This is a silly game in which users have to catch a moving button Click Me and click on it. As it is clear now, Click Me Ransomware should be encrypting files it finds stored on the computer at that particular moment. Even though we have tested a version that does not encrypt files, there is no doubt that it has been developed to extort money from users by cyber criminals. Therefore, it would be best that you erase Click Me Ransomware from your computer no matter it has locked your files or not. If you have a version that does not work properly installed on your PC but make a decision not to do anything, you should know that you risk losing all your files in the future because they might all be encrypted after the update of the ransomware infection.
What does Click Me Ransomware do?
As it has already been told in the first paragraph, Click Me Ransomware will offer users to play a game so that it could encrypt all users’ files without interruption. Then, it will change the background of the window containing this game to a ransom note. It says “you have been hacked” and contains a message in Arabic. Our researchers have translated it using the automatic tool. As you can see, it does not contain any information about the certain amount of money that has to be transferred for the decryption tool like other ransomware infections. Find the translated message below:
Alright my dear brother!!!
Enough free playing. Your files have been encrypted. Pay so much this much money so I can send you the password for your files.
I can be paid this much too cause I am very kind.
So move on I didn't raise the price.
Judging from this message, cyber criminals behind Click Me Ransomware also seek to obtain money from users; however, you will not find payment instructions there or the price of the decryption tool. Do not worry; you will not need to pay money because this ransomware infection does not work the way it should. All you need to do is to erase it from your computer as soon as possible. To be frank, researchers at anti-spyware-101.com do not recommend transferring money to cyber criminals even though you have found that your files have the .hacked extension and it is impossible to open any of them. Specialists do not recommend paying money in such a case too because cyber criminals often do not send anything to users. Of course, they do not return their money as well. Unfortunately, there is not much you can do if your files have been really encrypted by Click Me Ransomware, but you should not give up too soon – you should try a free data recovery tool you can get from the Internet.
Where does Click Me Ransomware come from?
Ransomware infections are such threats that always enter computers without permission. There is basically no doubt that you have Click Me Ransomware on your computer because you have opened an attachment from a spam email. Click Me Ransomware could have been dropped by a Trojan too. To be frank, such dangerous infections as ransomware are very sneaky and thus might find different ways to enter computers. Consequently, it might be very hard to prevent them from entering the computer. If you do not trust yourself and do not think that you could protect your computer from other ransomware infections (e.g. NoobCrypt Ransomware, FSociety Ransomware, and Anubis Ransomware) that might try to enter your computer, you should purchase the license of reputable security software and install it on your computer. Your system will be protected 24/7, and you will no longer need to worry about your computer’s safety.
How to delete Click Me Ransomware
Even though Click Me Ransomware does not make modifications in the system registry and does not place copies of its executable file to different places, it might still not be very easy for you to erase this infection because you will have to remove the file of a game you have downloaded and opened. Unfortunately, it might have a random name, which might make it even more difficult to find it. If you find it impossible to do that, use an automatic malware remover, such as SpyHunter. An automatic tool will detect and delete Click Me Ransomware quickly. Also, it will delete all malicious components belonging to other threats from your system.
Remove Click Me Ransomware
- Tap Win+E.
- Enter %USERPROFILE%\Downloads in the URL bar and tap Enter.
- Locate the random name executable file belonging to ransomware and delete it.
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