What is Cheetah Ransomware?
The smallest security backdoor could help the malicious Cheetah Ransomware slither into your operating system, which is why it is crucial that you do not open these backdoors. First and foremost, you want to make sure that your operating system is secured reliably, and we recommend employing anti-malware software to ensure that. Next, you want to make sure that all security updates are installed. These updates might include patches for existing vulnerabilities, and you do NOT want to skip those. Finally, you have to evaluate your own activity. Do you open random links, download files without knowing much about them, or visit websites that you are not familiar with? If you do, your chances of letting in malware are pretty high. Hopefully, you think about this once you remove Cheetah Ransomware from your operating system. This is not the only threat in the world, and it is not even the worst kind. If you do not want to face threats and have to delete them in the future, you must be cautious.
How does Cheetah Ransomware work?
Cheetah Ransomware, according to Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers, is a variant if the malicious BigBobRoss Ransomware, which we have discussed in a different report already. If you are curious about this infection, check that report out. The good news is that this malware appears to be decryptable. When researching the decryptor, make sure you do not accidentally install fake tools or malware because that could create more security-related programs. Unfortunately, not all victims will know this. When the devious Cheetah Ransomware slithers in, it silently encrypts files and modifies their names. The original filename is not changed, but “[id=xxxxxxxx]” is added as a prefix, and “.cheetah” is added as an extension. Due to this, your personal files might look something like this: “[id=A1234567]example.jpg.cheetah.” Did you try to delete the prefix and extension yourself? Even though that is possible, you should not bother with that because your files will remain encrypted. The files will remain locked even if you delete Cheetah Ransomware. Of course, that does not mean that you should postpone removal.
Once Cheetah Ransomware is settled, a file named “How to recover your files.url” is created. This link opens a YouTube video called “cheetah encrypter” at youtube.com/watch?v=xKIIFlqz4sI/. This video shows a ransom note, and it is also introduced to the victims of the infection in a form of a text file called “How to recover your files.txt.” This file should be found everywhere along with encrypted files. The message informs that files were encrypted and that a decryption tool must be purchased with Bitcoin, a popular crypto-currency. How much is the ransom? We do not know this, but the ransom note presents the Computer.Repair.Technician@protonmail.com email address, and you are supposed to use it to contact cyber attackers. Obviously, we do not recommend emailing cyber criminals because that could put you at bigger risk. Furthermore, with a free decryptor already available, there is absolutely no reason for you to communicate with attackers.
How to remove Cheetah Ransomware
You need to delete Cheetah Ransomware from your operating system. If you want to decrypt your files first, waste no time, but remember that only one decryptor is legitimate. The rest could be malware in disguise. Also, you do not need to spend money on the decryptor. If you are having issues finding the tool, leave a comment below. Our main focus, of course, is on the removal of Cheetah Ransomware. As long as this threat remains active on your operating system, you will be at risk. So, what should you do first? First, you want to think about the launcher of the infection. Where is it? What is its name? If you do not have answers, manual removal is out of the question. Instead, you should install an anti-malware program that can find and eliminate all infections automatically. Another reason to install this software is the full-time protection you need if you want to evade other threats in the future. Finally, you want to backup decrypted files because next time you could be hit my malware that does not have a free decryptor!
Removal Guide
- Find and Delete the launcher of the infection. Its name and location are random.
- Delete all copies of files named How to recover your files.url and How to recover your files.txt.
- Empty Recycle Bin and then perform a full system scan using a real malware scanner.
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