What is btc@fros.cc Ransomware?
If you are unlucky enough to face btc@fros.cc Ransomware, you need to take action right away. If you are able to uncover the disguise of this malicious threat quickly, you just might be able to delete the launcher file before the infection is fully executed. The threat is likely to be introduced to you with the help of software bundles or spam emails, and so you might have a chance to eliminate the file. If you do not realize that a seemingly harmless file you downloaded and opened belongs to malware, the malicious infection can move on to encrypt your personal files. Once they are encrypted, you cannot rename them or change them in any way to make them readable again. The decryptor that the creator of the ransomware should produce, could not have been obtained, and legitimate file decryptors are powerless against the cryptor of this malware. So, if your files were encrypted, you are in a very sticky situation. All in all, regardless of the outcome, it is a must to remove btc@fros.cc Ransomware, and that is what we discuss in this report.
How does btc@fros.cc Ransomware work?
According to researchers working in our Anti-Spyware-101.com internal lab, btc@fros.cc Ransomware was created using the same engine that was used to create Dharma Ransomware and Crysis Ransomware. Just like these infamous threats, the new infection encrypts files of all kinds of formats, and that includes photos, documents, archives, and even executable files. Besides the original launcher file, whose name and location are unknown, a second executable file is created in the %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder. By doing this, the infection ensures that the infection runs even if the victim restarts the computer. That means that newly created files can be encrypted too. Once files are encrypted, “.id-[unique ID].[btc@fros.cc].btc” is attached to all of their names as an additional extension. The ID is unique for every user, and although that gives hope that the creator of the ransomware might be able to identify users and provide them with appropriate decryptors, we wouldn’t bet on that. Note that although a free decryptor does not exist right now, you do not need to remove files corrupted by btc@fros.cc Ransomware right away. Place them all in one dedicated folder, and one day, hopefully, you will be able to restore them.
After files are encrypted, btc@fros.cc Ransomware makes you aware of cyber criminals’ demands. They are represented via a window entitled “btc@fros.cc,” which is an email address that is also included in the new extension attached to corrupted files. The message in the window instructs to email a unique ID number to btc@fros.cc within 24 hours. If you do that, you then receive instructions on how to pay a ransom (in Bitcoins) in return for a “decryption tool.” The message also instructs not to use any malware removal and file decryption tools. This is just an intimidation tactic, and you shouldn’t pay much attention to that. So, what are you supposed to do since you cannot decrypt files or use anything that would do it for you? Unfortunately, you only have one option, and that is to restore your files from backup. This, of course, will work only if your files are backed up. If they are not, do not forget to set up cloud storage or external drives to back up your files in the future. Whether a file is corrupted by malware, lost, or removed by accident, you will always have its copy to fall back onto. Hopefully, that is what you can do right now as well.
How to remove btc@fros.cc Ransomware
There is no time for you to waste. You have to delete btc@fros.cc Ransomware as soon as possible. It is possible to do that manually, but you need some experience, as identifying the malicious launcher is not so easy. If you do not have enough skill to delete the threat using the instructions below, your best option is to install an anti-malware program. Employ it, and you will not need to worry about threats that exist now or threats that could try to invade your operating system later. The program will automatically clean your operating system and keep it protected in the future. We will gladly continue this discussion in the comments section, and if you have questions about anything, please feel free to add them.
Removal Guide
- Delete the [unknown name].exe file that launched the infection.
- Tap Win+E to launch Windows Explorer.
- Enter %PROGRAMDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup into the field at the top.
- Delete the second [unknown name].exe file that the ransomware creates.
- Empty Recycle Bin and quickly perform a full system scan using a legitimate malware scanner.
N.B. If you are not allowed to remove malicious files, you might have to terminate malicious processes first. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete, click Start Task Manager, go to Processes, and terminate any malicious processes. Note that you can right-click them and choose Open File Location to find the corresponding .exe files too.
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