What is blacklist@clock.li Ransomware?
Careless actions could lead to the infiltration of the monstrous blacklist@clock.li Ransomware. This threat could be introduced to you with the use of spam emails or malicious downloaders, and cyber attackers could also exploit existing security vulnerabilities to drop and execute the infection without your notice. If you do not recognize the infection and do not remove it right away, it can start encrypting your personal files – such as private photos and important documents – without you even realizing it. Unfortunately, you cannot really stop the process once it is underway, and you cannot revert the corrupted files to their original state afterward. Once files are encrypted, they are basically lost. Unfortunately, the attacker behind the infection is meant to try to convince you that you can pay for a decryptor. We suggest that you do not waste your money and, instead, delete blacklist@clock.li Ransomware immediately.
How does blacklist@clock.li Ransomware work?
The name of blacklist@clock.li Ransomware, of course, derives from an email address that is linked to the creators of the infection. This email address is represented in many ways. For example, it is the name of a window that the infection launches after execution and encryption of files. The window displays a ransom note. It includes the email address as the only option for communication. It is also introduced to all victims via a file named “FILES ENCRYPTED.txt.” This file is created on the Desktop, as well as the local drive. The message in the file reads: “all your data has been locked us You want to return? write email Blacklist@cock.li”. The message represented via the window, of course, is much more detailed. It also includes a unique ID code that victims are meant to send via email for identification. After this, attackers should respond with instructions on how to pay a ransom in Bitcoins, and we cannot say exactly how much they would ask. At the end of the day, even if it is not a lot, we do not recommend contacting cyber criminals or paying the ransom. The removal of blacklist@clock.li Ransomware should be your priority.
Unfortunately, blacklist@clock.li Ransomware can encrypt highly personal files. Once they are encrypted, you should see the “.id-[ID[.[Blacklist@cock.li].vanss” extension appended to their names. Most file-encrypting infections add unique extensions. Crysis/Dharma Ransomware – which is the predecessor of the threat – has done that as well. If the files are important, you might be willing to pay the price, but keep in mind that cyber criminals are unlikely to give you anything in return for your money. As soon as they get the money – which is also the reason the infection was created – they are likely to just disappear. So, what’s the alternative? There is no alternative. No one can decrypt your files. Of course, if you have copies of the files backed up externally or online, you have nothing to worry about. In any case, the ultimate goal is to delete blacklist@clock.li Ransomware.
How to delete blacklist@clock.li Ransomware
If you are petrified about removing blacklist@clock.li Ransomware from your Windows operating system, we recommend utilizing an anti-malware program. It will automatically detect and delete all malicious components that belong to the infection. Furthermore, if other threats exist, they will be eliminated too! On top of all that, the right anti-malware program will also ensure further protection against malware in the future, and that is incredibly important. Of course, if you want to, and you feel like you are ready for it, you can choose the manual removal route. The instructions below were created to help Windows users erase the ransomware manually, but because the names of components can be unique, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to successfully clear your operating system from malware all on your own. Needless to say, if you are determined, no one is stopping you from erasing the threat yourself, and we can always assist you by answering your questions via the comments section below.
Removal Guide
- Delete the file named FILES ENCRYPTED.txt from the Desktop and your local drive (e.g., C:\).
- Find and Delete the malicious [unknown name].exe launcher of the ransomware.
- Launch Explorer by tapping keys Win+E simultaneously.
- Enter %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ into the field at the top.
- Delete a file named Info.hta. Also, Deleteit from these directories:
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %WINDIR%\System32\
- Delete a malicious [unknown name].exefile from these directories:
- %WINDIR%\System32\
- %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\
- Exit Explorer and then launch Registry Editor (tap Win+R to launch RUN, enter regedit.exe, and click OK).
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- Delete malicious [unknown name] values (should be 3) that link to files listed above.
- Exit Registry Editor and then immediately Empty Recycle Bin.
- Perform a full system scan using a reliable malware scanner to check for leftovers.
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