What is BitStak Ransomware?
BitStak Ransomware is a ransomware application that can encrypt your files. It is a very annoying program that will try to make you think you have no other way out of this situation, but to pay the ransom fee. Needless to say, you should keep your money to yourself because it is very unlikely that the ransomware creators will help you get your files back. On the contrary, they may just take your money and disappear. The good news is that you can remove BitStak Ransomware and restore your files without having to deal with these crooks. Please continue reading the description to find out more.
Where does BitStak Ransomware come from?
Our security team does not indicate this application as a ransomware program that would come from a malicious family. As such, BitStak Ransomware could be a stand-alone infection, designed to extort money from unsuspecting and panicking users worldwide.
This program employs a very common ransomware distribution vector: spam emails. Spam email messages are the cheapest way to distribute malware installers. Also, they can be targeted geographically, and that is why this method is employed by malware creators very often. Thankfully, most of the spam email messages are filtered into the Junk mail box by most of the email service providers. However, sometimes specific messages may seep through that filter and land in your main inbox.
When that happens, you need to be very careful about how to interact with such message. It could look like a notification from a financial institution or some random online shopping invoice. The most important thing is to avoid downloading the attachment that comes with such messages because that is how you would definitely get infected.
What does BitStak Ransomware do?
It goes without saying that this program encrypts your files. The moment it enters your computer, it performs a full system scan, targeting files with these extensions: .txt, .doc, .exe, .dat, .bat, .vb, .zip, .7z, .rar, .jar, .mp3, .wav, .save, .mp4, .cfg, .flv, .php, .com, .db, .bin, .reg. When the program has detected all the files that it can affect, it changes your files by scrambling the information within it and changing the name of your file to a random 11-letter title. You will have no trouble recognizing the affected files because they will have the .bitstark extension added, too.
The program also adds an entry into the auto-run key that makes its notification pop up on your screen whenever you turn on your computer. The notification says that “all your files are locked,” and “to release your files you need to pay a 40 (EUR) fee using Bitcoin as a payment method.” Unlike some ransomware programs that successfully lock you out of your computer, this notification can be easily bypassed if you close it via the Windows Task Manager.
Also, there are quite a few ransomware applications that cannot be decrypted, but BitStak Ransomware has an individual decrypter that can help you restore your files. To find the tool online, you simply need to search for “BitStak decrypter,” and you will definitely locate this freeware application in no time.
How do I remove BitStak Ransomware?
However, before you decrypt your files, you need to delete the ransomware, right? It is not recommended to perform a decryption while the ransomware is still on your computer because the encryption might occur again. To avoid that, you should look for the recently downloaded files that might look suspicious or unfamiliar to you. You will also have to delete the program’s executable file, and we will give you instructions on that.
Nevertheless, even if this ransomware program may not be as threatening as many others out there, perhaps you find manual removal too tedious or too complicated. That is fine, too; because you can delete BitStak Ransomware automatically with a legitimate antispyware tool. Not to mention that if you acquire a powerful computer security application, you will also be able to detect other potential threats that might be present in your system.
Finally, when you are sure that the infection and other unwanted programs are gone, you will do yourself a favor if you protect your PC from similar intruders. And that is not just about the antispyware program that you use. It is also about how you interact with the online content. Be responsible, and in the moment of doubt, never hesitate to ask.
Manual BitStak Ransomware Removal
- Press Win+R and the Run prompt will open.
- Type msconfig and click OK.
- Open the Startup tab.
- Locate BitStak in the Startup item list.
- Check its location and open that directory.
- Delete the BitStak Ransomware executable file.
- Delete all the recently downloaded suspicious files.
- Scan your PC with the SpyHunter free scanner.
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