
What is biclient.exe?

Have you discovered biclient.exe on your Task Manager? In many cases the suspicious executable uses a lot of virtual memory which may slow down your personal computer and disrupt certain day-to-day Windows tasks. As research shows, the file is usually found o Windows XP/Vista/7 and its size may vary from just 159K. Where does the file hide? According to researchers, the threat is usually found under %TEMP%; however, there always is a chance that you will find the component someplace else. This does not mean that the file is operating differently or is easier to remove. Should you remove biclient.exe? Our spyware specialists recommend that you delete this executable right away because it is related to malicious programs. Please continue reading to learn more about the threat.

How does biclient.exe act?

It has been discovered that the executable represents the Better Installer Host by Somoto Ltd. You may already be familiar with the company if you have faced FLV Player and DealBulldog, both of which are unreliable Windows programs. This installer, together with all of the suspicious elements, comes bundled with freeware which may be promoted using misleading advertising. If you fall for the scam, the suspicious Installer will start running on your operating Windows system before you even know it. Note that if you have started an installation process and you are being offered to install the questionable Somoto product, we recommend you reject the application and cancel the installation of the original software altogether. Remember that authentic programs need to be installed from authentic, reliable sources; otherwise you could face malware, which may be extremely difficult to remove.

One of the infections which may utilize the biclient.exe is Trojan.Parpwuts.C. This clandestine threat may enter the system via bundled downloads, spam email attachments, fake video codecs and similar security cracks. Once the Trojan is in place it pretends to be an authentic computer driver or, at times, a keyboard update. If you do not remove the infection in time, your desktop and browsers will be flooded with malign advertisements linking you to pornographic websites. If you do not want this happening – remove biclient.exe.

How to remove biclient.exe?

If you are not experienced with the operating Windows system, its protection and malware, biclient.exe removal can be quite challenging. Malware researchers recommend installing automatic spyware detection and removal software to delete the undesirable executable. Have you removed the file manually? There could be tens of other malicious components running alongside the malicious executable. If you do not remove these files sooner or later your PC will become infected again. Is this what you want? Then click the download button below and install authentic security software which will delete all existing computer threats. Make sure to leave a comment below if you have any other questions or concerns. 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of biclient.exe*

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