What is Best Recovery Ransomware?
Best Recovery Ransomware is a dangerous computer infection that will not let you off the hook that easy. It is a ransomware program, and as such, it tries to push users into pay the ransom for the encrypted files. It might be hard to restore your files when they have already been encrypted by this program, but it is possible if you have a file backup. Whichever way you choose to react, you should never pay the ransom fee. Focus on removing everything related to Best Recovery Ransomware from your computer. And when you’re done, invest in a powerful antispyware tool.
Where does Best Recovery Ransomware come from?
According to our research team, Best Recovery Ransomware is similar to the previously released Ako Ransomware. However, it doesn’t mean that both infections use the same encryption key to lock up target files. Thus, if there is a public decryption tool for Ako Ransomware, the chances are that it doesn’t work on Best Recovery Ransomware.
Either way, when it comes to such infections, prevention is often more important than removal because sometimes it is not possible to restore every single piece of data affected by the encryption. Hence, if you know how Best Recovery Ransomware spreads around, you should be able to avoid the infection.
As far as we can tell, Best Recovery Ransomware should probably spread through email attachments and torrents. It means that users download and install this malicious program themselves. Of course, no one is aware of the fact they are installing a ransomware app on their computer when they open some email attachment or download a program via torrent. But you have to be careful when you download something. Just because you’ve always used torrents, it doesn’t mean that every single file you receive will be safe. Not to mention that programs are often downloaded in archive files, and how can you check their content before opening them?
The bottom line is that you should refrain from pirating programs via torrents if you want to avoid the likes of Best Recovery Ransomware. Also, when you receive emails from unknown senders, you should scan the received files with a security tool, too. Spam email attachments that carry ransomware often look like legitimate documents and users get fooled into opening them. Don’t jump a file just because it looks like something you open every day. Verify the source first if you don’t recognize the sender.
What does Best Recovery Ransomware do?
As far as the behavior of this infection is concerned, it follows the usual ransomware pattern. It enters the target system and scans the entire computer looking for the files it can lock up. The program encrypts almost all types of personal files, but we know for sure that Best Recovery Ransomware skips files with DLL, SYS, INI, RDP, ENCRYPED, and EXE extensions. It means that most of your programs will continue to run even when your files get encrypted, and your system should work just fine.
The reason Best Recovery Ransomware needs your system to work is because it needs you to transfer the ransom payment. Information about the transfer is provided in the ransom note. Here’s an extract from it:
Your files are encrypted!
What happened?
Your files are encrypted, and currently unavailable.
By the way, everything is possible to recover (restore), but you need to buy a unique decryptor.
The ransom note then goes on to say that you need to contact these crooks via the given email. If you do not receive an answer within 24 hours, you’re supposed to use another email. However, it clearly shows that the malware server connection is not stable, and the chances are that they cannot even issue the decryption key in the first place.
How do I remove Best Recovery Ransomware?
Since paying the ransom is out of the question, you need to remove Best Recovery Ransomware at once. This program deletes itself after encryption, and it’s very likely that there aren’t that many files left to remove. However, you should still remove all the latest files from the most important directories (see the instructions below). As for your files, don’t hesitate to address a local professional who would guide you through various file recovery options.
Manual Best Recovery Ransomware Removal
- Delete the most recent files from Desktop.
- Delete the most recent files from the Downloads folder.
- Press Win+R and type %TEMP%. Click OK.
- Remove the most recent files from the directory.
- Run a full system scan with the SpyHunter free scanner.
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