What is BatBitRst?
BatBitRst is an ad-supported program that can sneak onto your system without your knowledge and use a browser extension to display potentially unreliable third-party advertisements on your screen. The presence of this adware program can turn your browsing experience rather annoying with its pop-ups and other types of advertising. Our malware experts at anti-spyware-101.com say that this adware is related to Filetour, another well-known ad-supported program. Of course, this malware infection is not only annoying with its pop-ups and banners, but it may also expose you to potentially harmful ads. Engaging with such content could cause further infections as well as exposure to online scams. Since this adware usually lands on your system with a company of other malware threats, your PC could be under attack right now on multiple fronts. If you would like to win this malware battle, we suggest that you remove BatBitRst along with the browser extension it uses to flood you with ads.
Where does BatBitRst come from?
Our malware experts have found that this adware is most likely to enter your system when you are installing Russian bundles like ICLoader and Loskad. These bundles may carry several threats starting with the least dangerous potentially unwanted programs and ending with Trojans, ransomware programs, fake alerts, browser hijackers, and adware applications. There are a couple of ways for you to drop such a malicious package onto your machine. One of the most likely ways is to try to download free software or cracked programs from shady torrent and freeware websites. These usually promote such installers instead of standalone files. Another way for cyber criminals to spread their "venom" is via corrupt third-party advertisements and adware programs like this one. This also means that if your computer is infected, it can get more and more vulnerable until you make sure that it is all clean of such malware infections. So, it is quite possible that you will have to do more than just delete BatBitRst alone.
You need to be extra careful whenever you are surfing the net because landing on suspicious file-sharing, online gaming, betting, and video streaming websites can expose you to unsafe third-party content, such as ads and fake buttons. One click on the wrong content and you could download a malicious bundle in the background. We cannot tell you never to click on anything from now on, but you certainly need to think twice before hitting your left mouse button over any content on questionable websites. As we have said, if your PC is already infected with adware, you can never feel safe even if you are viewing otherwise reputable websites because such an infection is capable of injecting its corrupt ads into legitimate advertising. We recommend that after you remove BatBitRst from your system, you also run a trustworthy malware scanner to find all other threats on your PC.
How does BatBitRst work?
This ad-supported program uses a Russian browser extension called ScriptGate (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/scriptgate/eeocknbjpmfgaclencnfjfkklmmfmiie) to show advertisements in your browser. When this adware is initiated on your system, it installs itself in one or more of these locations:
- %WINDIR%\System32
It may use all kinds of 8-letter names with or without extension, for example: %LOCALAPPDATA%\OlrAUzVr.bat, %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\hFSVPvDk, and %WINDIR%\SysWOW64\EdEGIIX.exe. In order to start up automatically with Windows, it also creates tasks to run these files, such as %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks\OUtyCVNqAaOi and %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks\guVuxYChKd.
Once it is set up to operate, it connects to liflingren.info to download additional malware programs. This adware may litter you screen with potentially unreliable or downright malicious third-party advertisements, such as pop-ups. This is rather distracting but can be risky as well if you were to click on such ads. You could let further malware threats onto your system or end up being scammed on a malicious website run by cyber criminals. The latter can end very badly for you since these criminals may scam you to reveal your banking detail and thus steal your money. All in all, we think that you should remove BatBitRst as soon as possible.
How can I delete BatBitRst?
First of all, you need to delete all related files that has been created on your system, including the tasks. Then, you also need to remove the unwanted browser extension from your browser. If this extension can be found in other browsers than Google Chrome, you should do the same for those browsers, too. Please follow our guide below if you prefer manual intervention. However, if you would like to defend your PC automatically against future attacks as well, we advise you to install a reliable anti-malware program like SpyHunter.
Remove BatBitRst from Windows
- Press Win+E to open File Explorer.
- Locate and delete all possibly related malicious files (e.g., "OlrAUzVr", "OlrAUzVr.bat", "aqvWXcuoNgS", and "aqvWXcuoNgS.bat") from the following directories,if found:
- %WINDIR%\System32
- Open the Tasks folder ("%WINDIR%\System32\Tasks") and delete all related tasks (e.g., "OUtyCVNqAaOi", "guVuxYChKd", and "dzopercomjhar").
- Empty your Recycle Bin.
Remove ScriptGate extension from your browser
Google Chrome
- Press Alt+F to open the menu.
- Go to More tools.
- Open Extensions.
- Find the unwanted extension in the list and click on the Trash can on its side.
- Press Remove.
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