What is Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware?
Getting infected with Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware can turn your day into a night, or rather, a nightmare. This new ransomware infection can encrypt most of your files even in your Windows system directory, which may cause certain system processes to crash immediately. This can cause serious issues, not to mention the loss of all those files. Our malware experts at anti-spyware-101.com say that this new ransomware threat uses the WannaCry design, which was a major hit a few months ago all over the world. Although this all may sound frightening, we also have good news for you. It seems that malware hunters have already found a way to crack this ransomware and uploaded a free decryption tool. Of course, we do not advise you to try to download and use such a tool unless you know what you are doing and you are an experienced user. Please note that you could cause more harm by downloading a fake decryptor than good. We certainly do not recommend that you pay the demanded ransom fee. In fact, we urge you to remove Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware from your computer immediately after you manage to decrypt your files.
Where does Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware come from?
This ransomware infection is no different from others, it uses the usual channels to infect unsuspecting users. The main distribution method seems to be spamming campaigns. You may receive a spam mail with an attached file, which is indeed the malicious executable. Of course, this attachment is disguised and this spam is set up to deceive you. In other words, do not think for a second that it is easy to spot it. A few years back maybe it was still quite obvious when you got a spam mail, but cyber crooks are constantly evolving and are at least one step ahead. This spam can be very convincing at first and you may actually feel that you must open it. The sender could be totally authentic-looking and the subject may be regarding an issue that could be related to anyone really or at least, could seem to raise curiosity. For example, it could be about an invoice you failed to settle, wrong data you allegedly gave while booking or purchasing something online, and so on. Please remember that once you execute this attachment, you cannot delete Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware from your system without possible damage to your files and to your system. Even if, in this special case, it is possible that may be able to decrypt your files, there is always a chance that there are several variants of such a threat out there and one may be more dangerous than others.
Another possibility for you to infect your computer is to use outdated browsers and drivers (Java and Flash). Cyber criminals create websites with so-called Exploit Kits (e.g., RIG) and can infect you behind your back as soon as your browser loads the page. This means that even if you notice that you got redirected to a suspicious page, it will be too late to close the tab or exit your browser because the infection will have already been accomplished. This is why it is important that you keep all your programs updated frequently because this is yet another free way for you to protect your system and your files unless you want the headache of having to remove Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware.
How does Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware work?
After you launch this ransomware program, it creates a Run registry entry in "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" that could have a random name. This way it can start up automatically with Windows. Our malware experts say that this ransomware infection can encrypt almost all your files, including some of the Windows system files as well. The affected files get a ".bitcoin" extension. The ransom note text file is called "bitcoin2018.txt" and it is dropped in every affected folder. As we have mentioned, this malware uses the good old WannaCry design, which is displayed once the attack is over. This application window informs you about your files having been encrypted and that you only way you can get them back is by paying $100 in Bitcoins to the given Bitcoin address. You can send these criminals an e-mail including a few small files to "MildredRLewis@teleworm.us" to have them decrypted for free, but we do not advise you to do that since these crooks may send further infections back to you. As we have already said, there is a working free decryptor available on the web, which you can use to recover your files. Please note that there might be different variants on the web so there is a chance that you may only be able to restore your files if you use a backup you saved previously on a removable drive or in cloud. We recommend that after you use the decryptor, you remove Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware right away.
How can I delete Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware?
It is important that you use the free decryptor before doing anything else because it may be able to restore the possibly encrypted Windows system files. Once you are done with the decryption, you can follow our instructions below. Please keep in mind that it is always more effective to use a reliable anti-malware program, such as SpyHunter, which can automatically detect and eliminate all kinds of known threats. But remember to keep all your programs up-to-date, too, if you want to do your part in protecting your PC.
Remove Bansomqare Wanna Ransomware from Windows
- Press Win+R and type regedit. Click OK.
- Locate and delete the probably random-named registry entry in "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"
- Exit the editor.
- Press Win+E.
- Check all your download directories and delete all suspicious executable files.
- Delete all the ransom notes ("bitcoin2018.txt").
- Empty your Recycle Bin.
- Restart your PC.
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