Awesome Sports Search

What is Awesome Sports Search?

Awesome Sports Search is a PUP or a potentially unwanted program. Tools from this category might not be dangerous, but they may have annoying or undesired qualities, which might make some users want to erase them. In this case, users could find it irritating that the application might change their default search engine, gather information, or show third-party advertisements. If you do not want to keep an extension that might act this way on your browser, we recommend deleting it while following the instructions provided below this article or employing a legitimate antimalware tool that could remove Awesome Sports Search for you. Of course, if you wish to know more about the PUP before deciding what to do, we invite you to read the rest of our article first.testtest

Where does Awesome Sports Search come from?

Awesome Sports Search might be offered after entering a site called Also, our researchers at say that it is currently available on Chrome Web Store. Besides these web pages, it seems the PUP could be spread through redirects and pop-up advertisements. We always recommend not to click on ads suggesting software before you find out whether the offered tools are reputable and safe to use. Additionally, you should make sure that your browser is always up to date so that it could warn you about suspicious websites. For users who want to ensure that their computers are protected as much as possible, we advise getting a legitimate antimalware tool too.

How does Awesome Sports Search work?

At the moment of writing, the extension’s description on Chrome Web Store says that the application may replace a user’s default search engine with Yahoo search ( Nonetheless, after adding Awesome Sports Search onto our browser, we noticed that it replaced its default search engine with a search tool called Even though it redirected our search to Yahoo, the description still seems misleading.

Moreover, after checking Awesome Sports Search Privacy Policy statements, we found out that the browser could gather information like your browser type, IP address and geographic location associated with it, click stream data, and so on. Plus, it is said that third-parties might also use various technologies to gather information “for the purpose of targeting; tracking and analyzing your use of the Site or Service; and/or providing you with content.” It might mean that you could see targeted ads from unknown third parties while using the discussed extension or its search engine. If you hate targeted ads and do not want to keep an application that could show them, you could eliminate Awesome Sports Search.

How to erase Awesome Sports Search?

Users who wish to delete Awesome Sports Search from their browsers have two options. The first option is to remove the unwanted extension from your browser’s menu manually. If you do not know how to do this, you could use the steps available below. Also, we can offer a second option, which is installing a reliable antimalware tool of your choice. Once you set it up, you should complete a full system scan and wait for results. After the scanning is over, your chosen antimalware tool should display a list of identified issues as well as a deletion button. Click this button, and the PUP should be erased.

Eliminate Awesome Sports Search

  1. Go to Google Chrome.
  2. Insert the following link into the browser’s address bar: chrome://extensions
  3. Press Enter and search for Awesome Sports Search.
  4. Click the Remove button and select Remove to confirm.
  5. Close the Extensions menu.
  6. Restart your browser. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of Awesome Sports Search*

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