What is AV Protection Online?
There are a lot of fake computer security applications and AV Protection Online is one of them. This program is a rogue antispyware application which will rip you off if you are not careful about it. AV Protection Online looks very much like a popular antivirus program and its sophisticated looks lure unsuspecting users into this dangerous trap. Trust this scam, and you will be regretting the day you opened your Internet browser for the first time.
As it has been mentioned already, AV Protection Online enters your computer through the Internet, so it means that you need to be cautious about what website you open and what link you click on. Keep in mind that AV Protection Online does not need your permission to get into your system. Once it is in, it will flood you with loads of system alert messages, which are generated to scare you into believing that your computer is terribly infected with all types of malware. Then AV Protection Online will claim that it is the only anti-virus in the world which can remove these threats and you will be urged to purchase the full version of the program.
Some of the warning messages might look like this:
Warning! Infection found
Unauthorized sending E-MAIL with subject “RE:” to was CANCELLED.Warning! Infection found
Unwanted software (malware) or tracking cookies have been found during last scan. It is highly recommended to remove it from your computer.
Keylogger Zeus was detected and put in quarantine.
Keylogger Zeus is a very dangerous software used by criminals to steal personal data such as credit card information, access to banking accounts, passwords to social networks and e-mails.Security Warning
Your computer continues to be infected with harmful viruses. In order to prevent permanent loss of your information and credit card data theft please activate your antivirus software. Click here to enable protection.
Do not do that, because that way you would lose your money and expose your bank account to the hackers. Get yourself a legitimate antispyware program and remove AV Protection Online from your computer automatically, before it causes any more harm.
For easier removal process you might try entering this SN into AV Protection Online software - 9992665263
tested removal of AV Protection Online* 100% FREE spyware scan and