
What is Atdmt?

Atdmt is a tracking data mining cookie that stores information about your Internet surfing habits for marketing purposes. The information includes mostly visited websites, the pages on those websites you were interested in, search queries and advertisements you have clicked on. By using this data, atdmt sends targeted advertisemens.
There are reports that even after deletion, atdmt might still reappear after running Windows Live Messenger,
Windows Live Mail, or other programs from Windows Live pack. This is linked because Windows Live uses the same Windows OS services as atdmt.

Some sources claim, that when installed, atdmt may also collect personal data such as passwords, bank accounts, and credit card information and sends it to other servers.When installed, Atdmt cookie can potentially record any data including sensitive information from your computer.

If you are under suspicion that your computer has the Atdmt tracking cookie, we advise removing it from the system as soon as possible. As an additional prevention from atdmt data exchange, You should also add the following addresses to HOSTS file:

100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of Atdmt*
  1. Is there anyway to prevent the atdmt cookie to enter your computer in the first place? It seems many websites contain and plant it in your computer and won't allow you to go any further unless you accept the cookie. (e.g. Earthlink webmail, Hotmail, Yahoo)
    It's crazy!

  2. I'm running Mac OS 10.2.8 and have started receiving warnings when on hotmail that is trying to connect. I removed the cookie and rebooted. The messages stopped, but I'm concerned that there may be atdmt files buried in the harddrive. Do I need to find an anti-spyware program for a Macintosh? I didn't think that Macs were susceptible to these kinds of attacks.

  3. Thomas E. Barnard

    have been getting message like "name of security id for site does not match" on iMac with OS 10.3.9 . STOP and CONTINUE buttons appear. this occurs while reading e-mail files using earthlink email program. I also access brokerage account from this machine. Will my brokerage account password be compromised?

  4. Suzanne Dupree

    Will the limited version (free) AGV spyware remove atdmt from my computer? I found my setting changed so there was remote assistance available, when I had turned off the remote assistance. Will this download help me to how to remove atdmt? Or is it best to have a techie do it? Will Shaw Secure, their new security program stop atdmt from coming in? What prevention is available? I have used Norton, McAffee, without sucess, and AGV seems to do a good least now I am alerted when an atmdt cookie wants access.

  5. Max Lehmann GirlInterrupted


    Cookies are created every time you open your Internet Browser. Atdmt is a cookie. Cookies are not malware but just text files that hold your information. Parasites steal your private information, collecting your cookies. Althought it does not pose a huge threat, you don't want the information collected from the Atdmt cookie to be misused. You do not have to worry about re-occurring cookies. They will always be there and should be deleted as often as possible. Avoid questionable websites and if you want to manually remove it you can go to your cookies folder and delete it. Also, on your Internet settings have the security level on High.

  6. Go to the privacy setting of your web browser. You can either block third party cookies or set an exception to block * I finally got around to trying it, should work.

  7. Here is one solution: I have done some experimenting and i found the cookie is embedded in to there windows programs and products, you cant remove it completely. It activates when you use any windows programs. If you use windows live mail, messenger, hot mail, Two face book, live call or any other windows programs.Changing the settings in your security only prevents atdmt from reading the cookies on your computer. So anyways hear is a test you can try for your self Go offline do a scan and remove the cookie, do anther scan to make sure it is gone, Stay off line open windows live mail close it do another scan and it will be back.

    So hopefully i answered your questions and gave you a solution I cant tell you what to do but the answer is in the paragraph.

  8. The guy above me is totally right. I did his test and that fu*king cookie always reappears exactly after I sign into windows live messenger. but not while offline. I turn on the internet connection, and log into windows live. then i immediateely have the cookie again -.-

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