What is Application.exe Has Stopped Working?
You could have been presented with the Application.exe Has Stopped Working notification because some kind of application has suddenly crashed, but, according to researchers at anti-spyware-101.com, it is more likely that you have encountered a scam, especially if this notification has been opened for you in full-screen and, in consequence, you cannot access your Desktop or you see it open on your screen periodically. Scams are created by cyber criminals having the only goal – to scare users into believing that certain problems that need to be fixed right away have occurred. In some cases, it might be hard to recognize a scam, but there is one tiny thing that unites them all – the majority of fabricated notifications promote telephone numbers. If you can locate the number on the Application.exe Has Stopped Working alert you see opened for you too, you should ignore it completely because this entire message is a scam. In some cases, closing the web browser with the fabricated alert is all that users have to do to make it gone; however, if you have encountered the Application.exe Has Stopped Working scam because malicious software has successfully slithered onto your computer, you will need to remove it completely from your system to make it disappear. In case you cannot close it, access Task Manager and kill the process of your browser (e.g. firefox.exe, iexplore.exe, and chrome.exe).
What does Application.exe Has Stopped Working do?
If you are reading this article from the beginning, you must know that the Application.exe Has Stopped Working notification might be displayed to users when some kind of application crashes. Of course, it might be shown on users’ screens if they end up on a dubious domain by mistake or have malware installed on their computers too. It should be noted that the Application.exe Has Stopped Working alert is completely fake in these cases. We suspect that the majority of users who are reading this article have encountered the Application.exe Has Stopped Working scam. That is, they see the fake message. The fake alert does look like a genuine window that belongs to the Windows OS, we have to admit, but it is still possible to say that it is bogus. Unlike the genuine Application.exe Has Stopped Working notification, it contains a toll-free telephone number. Numbers usually used are +1-855-654-0999 or +1-844-284-8623, but the list of numbers might expand with every new scam version. Do not even think about dialing this telephone number you see because you will make a call to crooks. The chances are high that they will try to extract money from you by offering you to purchase software that can fix problems in no time. Additionally, they will not miss an opportunity to trick you into voluntarily providing certain personal details that could be later expensively sold on the black market. We cannot promise that your system is clean if you see Application.exe Has Stopped Working notifications periodically, but we are sure the alert you see with the toll-free number is fake, and, as a consequence, there is no point in making a call.
Where does Application.exe Has Stopped Working come from?
The chances are high that the Application.exe Has Stopped Working notification that has been displayed on your screen is fabricated. As mentioned above, the genuine Windows alert does not contain the toll-free telephone number. There are two possible reasons you have encountered this scam. First, you have ended up on some kind of untrustworthy domain/you have been automatically redirected to it from another page. Second, malicious software has infiltrated your computer. In most cases, ad-supported programs (adware) are linked to scams, but we cannot guarantee that adware is the one associated with the appearance of the Application.exe Has Stopped Working scam in your case too. Malicious applications usually enter users’ computers without permission, for example, you could have installed malware on your computer together with software downloaded from the web. If you are one of these users who download tons of free applications from various third-party websites, it would a very smart move to install security software on the system.
How to delete Application.exe Has Stopped Working
If it has turned out that you have encountered the Application.exe Has Stopped Working scam rather than a genuine notification, you must take action to make it gone from your screen forever. Most likely, closing the scam will not be enough to make it disappear. Specialists say that the majority of users who are presented with fake warnings have malicious software active on their systems, and you might be one of them if you see Application.exe Has Stopped Working open from time to time. If you know what program is responsible for its appearance, go to delete it right away. Otherwise, use a malware remover to clean your system.
Get rid of the Application.exe Has Stopped Working scam
Delete suspicious software
Windows XP
- Click Start.
- Access Control Panel.
- Click Add or Remove Programs.
- Select the program you want to delete and click the Remove button.
Windows 7/Vista/8/8.1/10
- Press Win+R to launch Run.
- Insert regedit.exe and click OK.
- Click Uninstall a program.
- Locate the application you want to remove.
- Select it and click Uninstall.
Reset your browsers to default settings
Internet Explorer
- Start Internet Explorer.
- Access the Tools menu by pressing Alt+T simultaneously.
- Click Internet Options.
- Click Advanced.
- Click Reset.
- Mark the Delete personal settings box.
- Click Reset.
Mozilla Firefox
- Open Mozilla Firefox.
- Go to the Help menu (tap Alt+H).
- Select Troubleshooting Information.
- At the upper part of the page, click Refresh Firefox.
- In the confirmation box, click Refresh Firefox again.
Google Chrome
- Start Google Chrome.
- Press Alt+F.
- Click Settings.
- Go down.
- Click Advanced.
- Click Reset.
- If you are asked to confirm the reset, click Reset in the dialog box.
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