What is AP Manager?
AP Manager is a very dangerous and deceptive rogue antispyware application. AP Manager may also be called APManager and pretends to be software that will help your computer. The truth of the matter is that it does the complete opposite. AP Manager has been specifically designed in order to trick innocent users into believing that they have all types of malicious parasites running on their computer system. This is an attempt to try and steal innocent computer user's money. The harsh reality of the situation with regard to AP Manager is that it is one big scam that can't be trusted under any circumstances. It is important for everyone to be aware of the risks involved with regard to AP Manager and to never download, install or purchase anything related to the malicious and deceptive AP Manager.AP Manager is a trick that you must never fall for, if you do you will be left with many computer problems and you will end up buying something and getting nothing in return.
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