What is AntiSpy Safeguard?
AntiSpy Safeguard or AntiSpySafeguard is a very dangerous and deceptive rogue antispyware application. AntiSpy Safeguard has been designed for one purpose and one purpose only and that is to steal your money. AntiSpy Safeguard will make use of a fake scan report as well as fake scan report results in order to try and convince you that you have all types of dangerous threats running on your machine.
AntiSpy Safeguard may cause your system to start becoming very strange. AntiSpy Safeguard may invade your privacy as well as change some of your system settings without your permission. One moment your computer will seem perfect and when you least expect it, it may seem like everything which could go wrong is. No matter what you do, never ever download, install or purchase anything which is related to the malicious AntiSpy Safeguard, as it will just keep bringing you more and more problems. Do not under any circumstances believe any of the security system notifications as they are all fake and a big attempt to try and get your money.
tested removal of AntiSpy Safeguard* 100% FREE spyware scan and

i have the trogen and i have tried to boot in safe mode and i still get the antispy program ...and cant get behind it at all i have tried to boot up with knoppix 5.3 and still cant go to any drive to install cleaner....i have changed the boot setup to look at usb first but i have no boot on usb...now what can i do
The file can also be called hotfix.exe. On windows 7 it can be found in %userdata%\appdata\roaming