What is ANSSI Virus?

ANSSI Virus is a ransomware and having it deleted is the only thing that you need to worry about this very moment. The infection is also known as Office Central de Lutte contre la Criminalité Virus, and our researchers have discovered that it is the Flimrans Trojan which controls this particular ransomware. The infection requires immediate removal simply because it locks your computer and disabled access to the desktop. Of course, the removal of the threat is not so simple because of the initiated lock-down. Nonetheless, if you do not want to worry about additional spyware infiltration, the task must be completed as soon as possible. Please continue reading to learn more about ransomware and the ANSSI Virus removal process.test

How does ANSSI Virus act?

ANSSI stands for Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information. This law enforcer is active in France, and it is clear that all Windows users living in this country would pay attention to an alert which has seemingly been forwarded by such a reputable institution. Nonetheless, all of this is just a scam, and you should pay no attention to the logos, emblems and names attached to a bogus ransomware alert. Without a doubt, most Windows users will find the notification suspicious because of the presented accusations. However, some may truly be related to cyber criminal activity. If you believe that some of the presented accusations are representative of your own activity, you still do not need to pay attention. Here are a few excerpts:

Attention! Votre ordinateur est bloqué à cause d’un ou de plusieurs motifs, indiqués ci-dessous.
Vous avez violé la loi <> (Vidéo, Musique, Logiciel) et vous avez illégalement servi et/ou diffuse le contenu protégé par le droit d’auteurs, de ce fait vous avez violé l’article 128 du Code penal de la France.

La somme de l’amende fait 100€.

Just like L’accès à votre ordinateur a été fermé Virus, the malicious ANNSI Virus has been developed to generate profit. If you follow the schemers’ demands to pay the 100 Euro fine through Ukash or Paysafecard, you will be supporting cyber criminals. Do you want to help them financially? If you do not – removal is the only option. According to our researchers, even though the manual removal task is extremely complicated, there is an alternative which could fit even the least experienced users.

How to remove ANSSI Virus?

If you are not experienced with computer infections and you do not know how to delete ANSSI Virus, we suggest you install automatic spyware removal software. SpyHunter is the tool we recommend and you can acquire it by clicking on the download button below. If you know the perks of a ransomware and you know how to delete rootkit Flimrans Trojan files, you probably will be able to defeat the infection manually. If you are willing to risk the integrity of the Windows system – delete the components listed below. Otherwise, follow the instructions to install authentic spyware detection and removal tools.

How to delete the ransomware?

Delete from Windows 8:

1. Tap the Windows key on the keyboard to access the Metro UI start screen.
2. Launch a browser and visit .
3. Download the automatic spyware remover.
4. Immediately install the tool to delete running infections.

Delete from Windows Vista and Windows 7:

1. Restart the computer.
2. Wait for BIOS to load and immediately start tapping F8.
3. Using arrow keys select Safe Mode with Networking and tap Enter.
4. Download and install SpyHunter.

Delete from Windows XP:

1. Restart the PC and wait for BIOS screen to disappear.
2. Immediately start tapping F8 to open the menu.
3. Use arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking.
4. Tap Enter.
5. Click YES on the Desktop alert.
6. Open the Start menu and launch RUN.
7. Enter msconfig and click OK.
8. Click the Startup tab and select Disable All. Hit OK.
9. Download the automatic spyware remover SpyHunter.
10. Restart the computer and install the tool onto the PC.

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tested removal of ANSSI Virus*

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