
What is Akkreditivsearch.net?

Akkreditivsearch.net presents itself as a global search engine, but a lot of users online complain that a third party program that is directly related to      the website is redirecting their searches and changes their homepage to Akkreditivsearch.net. As a result it is possible to categorize this program and the site as browser hijacker, considering that user searches are being redirected. It is highly recommended to remove Akkreditivsearch.net as soon as possible, because it might be responsible for distributing other types of malware onto your computer.

Where did Akkreditivsearch.net come from?

Users who have complained about constant redirections to Akkreditivsearch.net have found other infections in their systems as well - mainly Trojans. It means that the program that redirects you to Akkreditivsearch.net can be delivered by Trojan infections, and we highly recommend scanning your computer with SpyHunter to see whether you have other infections in your system.

Also, browser hijackers can come bundled with freeware programs, so you need to be careful about what you download and install on your computers. This browser hijacker can affect all main browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome), so if you notice that your browser constantly crashes and/or redirects you to Akkreditivsearch.net, access Control Panel and Uninstall any unfamiliar recently installed program that you find on the installed programs list.

How do I remove Akkreditivsearch.net?

Due to the fact, that this infection changes your default home page settings, it would be better if you restored the settings yourself before removing Akkreditivsearch.net for good. Follow the instructions below to restore your default browser settings and then proceed with automatic malware removal:

Remove Akkreditivsearch.net from Internet Explorer

1. Press and hold Alt and press X.
2. Select Internet Options and open General tab.
3. Delete Akkreditivsearch.net at Home page section under General tab.
4. Enter a domain name you prefer and save changes.

Remove Akkreditivsearch.net from Mozilla Firefox

1. Click Firefox button.
2. Select Options.
3. Open General tab.
4. Delete Akkreditivsearch.net next to home page section at Startup.
5. Save changes.

Remove Akkreditivsearch.net from Google Chrome

1. Press Alt+F.
2. Click Settings.
3. Select "Open a specific page or set of pages."
4. Click Set pages.
5. Remove Akkreditivsearch.net from default home page list.
6. Enter the domain you prefer and save changes.

Once you are done, download SpyHunter free scan and launch a full system scan, because it is very likely that you are infected with spyware. Invest in a reliable antimalware tool to remove Akkreditivsearch.net and other threats automatically.

100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of Akkreditivsearch.net*

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