Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware

What is Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware?

When Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware invades the operating system it immediately launches a window that locks the screen, which automatically prevents the users from accessing their operating system and the files within. The lock-down is created to make it impossible to confirm whether or not files were encrypted, and that is meant to push victims into following the demands to pay a ransom. Although there are some real file-encryptors that corrupt files and lock the screens, this cryptolocker is not one of them. According to our researchers, the infection does not encrypt a single file, which is why you should delete it without any hesitation. Do you know how to remove Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware? If you continue reading, you will learn how to handle this threat. Just remember that it is not the first or the last infection that might come your way. If you do not want to face more serious threats or have to deal with deleting them, you want to make sure your operating system is guarded.

How does Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware work?

If you have no idea where the malicious Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware has come from, the chances are that it slithered in in a completely inconspicuous manner. That is not uncommon for file-encryptors and screen-lockers. Maybe you executed it as you opened a corrupted spam email attachment, and maybe it disguised itself as a harmless program. Maybe it was downloaded by another malicious infection. There are many possibilities. Without a doubt, whenever you discover a malicious threat that requires removal, it is necessary to examine the operating system. Install a trusted malware scanner, and you will know right away if you need to delete other threats. Right now, we need to focus on Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware. Once executed, this infection opens a window with an intimidating message suggesting that files were encrypted and that a ransom must be paid in return for a decryption key. The price is 80 USD, but the payment is requested in Bitcoins, and victims must send it to a Bitcoin Wallet (1KyU66zS2TCEWapwufy8wqsALawySJfj84). Obviously, your files are NOT encrypted, and so you do not need to pay anything. Instead, you need to delete the threat.

According to our researchers, the malicious Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware does not create copies of itself, and there are no points of execution created either. That means that once you restart your computer, the annoying and misleading screen-locker should disappear. However, if a PoE was created, you would need to reboot the operating system to Safe Mode first to delete Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware. What if you have already paid the money and sent the confirmation to cyber criminals at Whether or not your system was “unlocked,” you need to delete this malicious infection from your operating system. If you are not convinced that your files are safe, you can also use Safe Mode to check what is really going on. Of course, first, you should try restarting the computer because that should solve the problem. Unfortunately, as our researchers point out, other versions of this malware could be created in the future, and they could be capable of encryption, and that is why besides removing the fake ransomware you also need to take care of your system’s protection.

How to remove Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware

Although Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware is a completely bogus infection, and your files should be just fine if it has slithered in, the invasion of this threat signifies that your operating system is vulnerable. What does that mean? It means that you are susceptible to much more serious threats. Therefore, after you delete Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware, we strongly suggest setting up reliable anti-malware software immediately. You can even use it to automatically erase the pseudo-ransomware and other threats that might exist without your notice. What about manual removal? Your success depends on your ability to find the launcher file. It could take on a familiar name to mislead you, and it could hide anywhere on your computer. If you are not confident that you can erase this threat yourself, do not put other files in danger. Use help!

Removal Guide

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. If the screen-locker disappears, immediately find and Delete the {unknown name}.exe launcher file.
  3. Empty Recycle Bin and scan the operating system for potentially overlooked leftovers.

N.B. If the screen-locker does not disappear after you restart the PC, reboot the system to Safe Mode and then eliminate the malicious launcher file. 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware*

Stop these Acroware Cryptolocker Ransomware Processes:


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