What is 8lock8 Ransomware?
If you find that your personal files have been given the “.8lock8” extension, there is no doubt that 8lock8 Ransomware has invaded your operating system. This malicious infection is capable of slithering in without your permission and encrypting your files without any warning. This threat moves so fast that computer users do not even have a chance to stop the file encryption process, and they discover the threat only after it makes itself noticeable. It does that by presenting you with a .txt file that is placed on the Desktop, as well as the directories containing encrypted files. This message is presented in English and Russian, which suggests that this infection is spread wider than other well-known ransomware threats. Whichever of the two languages you read, you are informed that your files were encrypted using a strong algorithm (according to Anti-Spyware-101.com researchers it is AES-256). Two email addresses are provided, and you are expected to contact them to receive further instructions. Needless to say, these instructions will not show how to remove 8lock8 Ransomware.
How does 8lock8 Ransomware work?
8lock8 Ransomware is very similar to GhostCrypt Ransomware, an infection we have discovered only a few days before this one. Both of these infections are variants of the HiddenTear ransomware, and it is possible that the source code of this ransomware will be used to develop an array of other ransomware threats. Although the notifications (e.g., the READ_IT.txt file) might be different, these infections function in the same way, and they have the same goal. Once executed, these infections look for your personal files, and they use specific algorithms to encrypt them. For example, 8lock8 Ransomware is after .avi, .bmp, .doc, .jpg, .pdf, .ppt, .txt, .wav, .zip, and similar types of files. If they are encrypted successfully – and this ransomware does not fail – you are backed up into a corner. The email addresses presented by this ransomware (d1d81238@tuta.io and d1d81238@india.com) are controlled by cyber criminals, and, if you contact them, you will be informed that you need to pay a ransom. If you do not pay a ransom, you might lose your files. If you pay the ransom, you are funding cyber criminals, and it is possible that they will trick you by taking your money and not providing you with a decrypter.
The devious 8lock8 Ransomware does not install itself onto your Windows operating system. Instead, this infection is launched via a malicious file that you are likely to download from file-sharing sites or via spam email. According to our research, this malicious launcher might have the icon of a PDF file to trick careless users into thinking that it is a harmless file. In reality, if you open this file, you will initiate the encryption of your personal files. If you have not encountered this ransomware yet, we warn you that opening files – even when they look harmless – sent by unfamiliar senders is extremely dangerous. Was the malicious launcher sent to you by someone you know? In such case, their email account could have been hijacked, and you should warn them about it to help stop the attack. Keep in mind that you could become a victim of the next ransomware attack if you do not take care of your system’s security after you remove 8lock8 Ransomware from your computer.
How to delete 8lock8 Ransomware
It is crucial that you eliminate 8lock8 Ransomware from your Windows operating system. The good news is that you do not need to pay a ransom to cyber criminals to have your files decrypted. Third-party decryption tools exist, and we are hopeful that you will be able to find one to release your files. The worst thing you can do is pay the ransom because there are no guarantees that this would result in the way you expect it. Cyber crooks could easily take your money without decrypting files, and this is a huge risk you need to think about. If your files are securely backed up, you do not need to worry yourself with the decryption of files. If you are unable to erase the malicious launcher and protect your operating system from the attacks of cyber criminals in the future yourself, we advise implementing automated malware detection and removal software.
Removal Instructions
- Launch the preferred browser.
- Type http://www.anti-spyware-101.com/download-sph and tap Enter on the keyboard.
- Download the installer presented to you.
- Run the installer and immediately perform a full system scan.
- Click Fix Threats to erase malware.
tested removal of 8lock8 Ransomware* 100% FREE spyware scan and