What is 7h9r Ransomware?
7h9r Ransomware is a new threat that might quickly enter your computer if you tend to open spam email attachments, surf the web rather carelessly, and do not even have a trustworthy security tool installed on your computer. This Trojan has been named 7h9r Ransomware not without a reason. Researchers have decided to call it like that because it adds the .7h9r filename extension to those files it encrypts. Yes, you will quickly find out that all your files are locked if this threat manages to find a way to your system. This ransomware infection is not unique in this sense because all other similar threats, e.g. Cerber Ransomware, Centurion_Legion Ransomware, and Payms Ransomware act the same. This is, they encrypt users’ personal files and then demand a ransom. Many users need to access their files, e.g. presentations, theses, documents, pictures, videos, and music files badly, so they decide to transfer money to cyber criminals. Specialists working at anti-spyware-101.com say that you should not hurry to make a payment because there might be a way to decrypt files free of charge.
What does 7h9r Ransomware do?
The main goal of 7h9r Ransomware is to extort money from users, so it immediately encrypts files once it enters the system. In order to do that, it uses the AES cipher and the RSA key, which means that it is extremely hard to unlock those files. Unfortunately, this infection is targeted at a variety of files users usually keep on their computers: .tif, .md2, .mp3, .mp4, .java, .py, .gif, .ibooks, .djvu, .css, .bmp, .avi, .jpeg, .jpg, .key, .md2, .mdb, .torrent, .txt, xls, .wmv, .zip, .ckp, .png, .mpeg, .pdf, .pict, .flv, and .sql. Once this threat finishes encrypting files with the AES cipher, it creates the README_.txt file on Desktop and places copies of this file in directories containing encrypted files. If you open the file and see the following message, there is no doubt that you have this Trojan on your PC:
Your files were encrypted. If you want to decrypt them you must send code {unique ID} to email 7h9r341@gmail.com.
Then you will receive all necessary instructions. Attempts to decipher on their own will not lead to anything good, except irretrievable loss of information.
If you still want try to decipher them, please make a copy of files, this is our life hacking for you. (If you change the file we can't decrypt them in future)
Even though 7h9r Ransomware does not say what you will have to do to be able to decrypt your files, specialists are sure that you will be asked to transfer money for the decryption tool. Also, they have contacted cyber criminals for you and received the answer that the payment of $100 has to be made as soon as possible for the decryption key. It is very likely that you will be asked to pay this sum of money as well. Even though the ransom this threat asks is not very huge, we still suggest that you keep the money to yourself because you might not receive the decryption tool after you transfer money. Also, there is a possibility that the free tool will be released and you could use it to unlock files. Is it worth waiting? You are the only one who is in charge here.
Where does 7h9r Ransomware come from?
7h9r Ransomware usually comes as a spam email attachment in most cases. Of course, it might find other ways to enter systems too, for example, theoretically, you might get this Trojan from an untrustworthy third-party website as well. As it usually deletes itself after it finishes encrypting files and does not make any copies of itself, the main symptom that 7h9r Ransomware has managed to enter your system is a bunch of encrypted files and the file README_.txt in every folder.
How to remove 7h9r Ransomware
As we have already mentioned, 7h9r Ransomware usually removes itself after it does what it has to do. Of course, it is still advisable to make sure that the .exe file that belongs to this threat is gone. If you find it, delete it immediately. On top of that, you will also have to remove .txt files even though they are not dangerous. Users who want to be sure that their computers are clean and do not contain any other infections should scan their systems with an automatic malware remover, e.g. SpyHunter. It will clean your system within seconds and will protect from dangerous future threats.
Delete 7h9r Ransomware manually
- Locate the .exe file you have downloaded.
- Remove it.
- Delete all README_.txt files.
- Empty the Recycle bin.
Remember, your files will not be unlocked if you decide not to pay a ransom and remove 7h9r Ransomware. Do not worry, the situation is not desperate. You can try using free decryption tools you can download from the web, or you can restore files from the backup (of course, if you have made one before).
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