What is 2048 Ransomware?
2048 Ransomware is a malicious computer infection. If you got infected with this program, you should consider that you might not be able to restore your data. All programs from this category are extremely vicious, and they keep hold of your files unless you pay the ransom. Please note that paying the ransom fee might not solve your problems. The criminals behind this infection might as well just take your money and scram. Hence, you need to focus on removing 2048 Ransomware from your system, and then look for ways to protect your PC from similar intruders. It doesn’t look like this ransomware virus is going to get contained any time soon.
Where does 2048 Ransomware come from?
2048 Ransomware comes from a prominent ransomware infection family. Our research team calls it the Dharma/Crysis Ransowmare group, based on the very first instances of these infections. All the programs from this group share similar ransom notes and similar distribution patterns.
It is rather unfortunate that we cannot use the same decryption tool for all these programs, but that’s what ransomware is for you: It is relatively easy to remove the infection, but it might be challenging to deal with all the infection’s consequences.
What’s more, it should be relatively easy to avoid getting infected with 2048 Ransomware, too. The problem is that this program usually comes via spam email attachments, and if users deal with multiple attachment files every single day, they might not be as alert as they should.
That is also why 2048 Ransomware and other similar programs are more likely to target small businesses and other organizations, as opposed to individual users. After all, we are more likely to open a lot of documents at work, right? Therefore, before we open files received from unfamiliar senders, it would be a good idea to scan those files with a licensed antispyware tool. At least this way, you would prevent 2048 Ransomware (and other potential threats) from entering your system.
What does 2048 Ransomware do?
This program works just like Deal Ransomware, RSA Ransomware, Nvram Ransomware, and many others. Upon installation, the infection scans the entire system, looking for the file types it can encrypt. Once the encryption is launched, it is instantaneous and you cannot stop it. Afterwards, all the affected files receive an additional extension, that carries your infection ID and the email address you have to use to contact the criminals for the decryption key. If that weren’t enough, you will also see a ransom note in a pop-up window on your screen, and a ransom file in the TXT format will be dropped in every single folder that contains encrypted files. The contents of both ransom notes are a little bit different, but the essence is the same:
All your files have been encrypted!
All your files have been encrypted due to a security problem with your PC. If you want to restore them, write us to the e-mail rsa2048@cock.li
In case of no answer in 24 hours write us to theese e-mails: 2048rsa@tutanota.com
You have to pay for decryption in Bitcoins. The price depends on how fast you write to us. After payment we will send you the decryption tool that will decrypt all your files.
If the infected user or corporation does not have a file backup, it might seem that paying the ransom is the only way to retrieve the encrypted data. Nevertheless, paying would only encourage these criminals to create more malware, and you should not help them with that. If you are at a loss, be sure to address a local professional technician who will help you go through other file recovery options.
How do I remove 2048 Ransomware?
Although this program doesn’t drop that many files on the affected system, manual removal might be quite a hassle because ransomware-related files could be in multiple folders. If you do not want to go through that process by yourself, we would strongly recommend investing in a licensed antispyware that would help you remove 2048 Ransomware once and for all.
For other ransomware tips, please do not hesitate to leave us a comment. Our team is always ready to assist you.
Manual 2048 Ransomware Removal
- Remove the most recent files from Desktop.
- Delete the most recently downloaded files from the Downloads folder.
- Delete the FILES ENCRYPTED.txt ransom note.
- Use the Win+E command to access these directories:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
%WINDIR%\System32 - Delete the Info.hta and a random-named EXE file from the mentioned directories.
- Press Win+R and enter regedit. Click OK.
- Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.
- On the right, right-click the values related to the Info.hta and random EXE file and remove them.
- Use SpyHunter to scan your computer.
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