
What is 1startpage.com?

1startpage.com seems like a decent search engine at first sight; however, the truth is that you should definitely not trust it because it is usually distributed with a help of a browser hijacker. If you ever notice that your homepage has been replaced without your permission, there are no doubts that this undesirable software has infiltrated your system. It has been found out that 1startpage.com might replace the homepage of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox browsers, which means that you will definitely notice the presence of this browser hijacker if it manages to enter your system. We do not recommend keeping it on your PC because it might attract threats onto your computer and do other undesirable activities.testtest 100% FREE spyware scan and
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How does 1startpage.com browser hijacker act?

Browser hijackers tend to enter the system bundled with other applications; thus, it is not surprising if you cannot remember downloading and installing 1startpage.com browser hijacker yourself. The specialists of anti-spyware-101.com have done a research and found out that 1startpage.com browser hijacker comes bundled with software in “download assistant” by Malavida. In most cases, computer users allow undesirable applications enter the system because they do not pay enough attention to the installation wizard itself. Thus, we advise that you read all the information provided during the installation and always select Custom/Advanced installation option. If you wonder why it is so important, you should know that you will be able to decline the installation of undesirable software if you select any of these options. You should also not forget to keep an antimalware tool enabled all the time in order to prevent malware from entering the system.

Keep in mind that there are other more reliable search engines out there, which is why you should not use the one that has appeared on your computer without your permission. One of the main reasons why you should be extremely cautious with 1startpage.com is the observation that it might lead you to potential threats. If you wonder how it is possible, you should know that you will see various commercial ads every time you launch your browser. Besides, there is a possibility that you will be provided with sponsored links after entering the search query. Both ads and sponsored links might route you to corrupted websites, which is why we suggest that you eliminate 1startpage.com browser hijacker as soon as possible. The removal of this suspicious software is the only reliable way to reduce the possibility to infect the system.

How to get rid of 1startpage.com?

In order to get rid of 1startpage.com browser hijacker easily and quickly, you should definitely use the instructions provided below the article. However, if you are searching for a quicker solution, you should know that you can acquire a licensed antimalware tool and then scan your system with it. We recommend using SpyHunter because it is one of those tools that will not only remove all the existing threats, but also protect your system from future infections.

The removal of 1startpage.com browser hijacker

Google Chrome

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Tap Alt+F.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Click Show advanced settings.
  5. Select Reset browser settings.
  6. Click on the Reset button when the dialog box appears.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Tap Alt + H to access the Help menu.
  3. Select Troubleshooting Information.
  4. Click Reset Firefox.
  5. Click Reset Firefox button again.

Internet Explorer

  1. Open your browser.
  2. Tap Alt+T.
  3. Navigate to Internet Options and select it.
  4. Click on the Advanced tab.
  5. Select Reset.
  6. Mark Delete personal settings.
  7. Click the Reset button.

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