What is 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal?
If you have noticed a suspicious alert upon a system start-up, it is important to check your PC for a dubious fake alert known as 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal. If this is the case, do not waste your time and delete this dubious piece of software. This is important since the application in question exhibits invasive features. In fact, this intrusive application will limit your ability to use your personal computer. Such functionality should not be tolerated under any circumstances. On top of that, our research team has discovered that in some instances this fake alert might be the main reason other suspicious programs might be also active on your operating system. To understand how 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal works and to realize why its removal is crucial, make sure to read the rest of our report. Below we also provide detailed instructions that will help you delete this undesirable piece of software.
What does 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal do?
1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal is a program primarily designed by cyber crooks to lure money from unsuspecting Internet users. This is achieved by using various scare techniques. The first indication that the fake alert in question is already active on your personal computer is a warning message presented to you upon system start-up, which closely mimics a legitimate Windows alert known as Blue Screen of Death. The most annoying thing about it is the fact that it will auto-start with each system start-up; thus, for as long as it is active on your computer, will not be able to fully use it. Within this alert, you are informed that due to a problem with your operating system your computer will be shut down to prevent potential further damage. To seem like an authentic alert, developers of this program even use genuine Microsoft Windows error codes. While such careful design might be enough to fool non-advanced users, our research team is not tricked that easily. A major indication that this alert is a fake one is the fact that it asks you to get in contact via a toll-free number for further assistance; a genuine Windows warning message never hosts a phone number that you should call for repair services. We highly advise you not to get in contact with the developers of this suspicious program as they will likely try to fool you into paying for hoax services. To avoid wasting money and to regain full access to your personal computer, you must execute a thorough removal of 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal as soon as it is found up and running on your PC.
Where does 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal come from?
During our analysis, it has been discovered that 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal is often spread in devious ways. In quite a few cases this fake alert is spread via software bundles. It goes without saying that coming across a bundled installers is a dangerous instance since setup files might be embedded with other suspicious and even potentially malicious programs. Thus, if you already have this fake alert active on your PC, do not hesitate to check your operating system for other questionable programs. In other instances, this program could enter your PC as a result of careless web browsing. This could happen by entering a suspicious third-party site that might be running an arbitrary code execution exploit. In most cases just entering a site that has this exploit active on it is enough to get your personal computer infected with some other dubious application. To avoid getting your PC infected with 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal in such a way, we highly advise you to install a professional antimalware tool. Such a tool is critical to your overall virtual security since it can automatically detect potentially harmful content on your PC or online and warn you about it in advanced.
How to remove 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal
It goes without saying that a complete removal of 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal is a must. It is imperative to delete every single bit of this fake alert to stops its intrusive functionality. Thus, we highly advise you to pay your utmost attention to every single step of a removal procedure as a mistake could have undesirable consequences. To be sure that no leftovers linked to 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal are active on your computer, make sure to analyze your operating system for its traces as soon as you are done with the manual removal. If you find such analysis too challenging, make sure to use a professional antimalware tool to scan your computer for leftovers linked to the fake alert in question; such a tool can detect and delete anything associated with it in an automated manner.
How to remove 1800-935-6918 Driver_irql_not_les_or_equal from your computer
- Restart your computer into Safe Mode with Networking.
- Click the Windows button.
- Type regedit into the search filed and the tap Enter on your keyboard.
- Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
- Select a registry value called Shell and then delete it.
- Open your File Explorer.
- Go to C:\Users\(your username)\Downloads.
- Select a file called bsodc23x1.exe and then remove it.
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