What is 1-888-478-4654?
A notification with the 1-888-478-4654 number included in it cannot be trusted. This number represents a helpline number that supports the suspicious V Shine software promoted at vshinesoftwaresolution.com. The main goal for the people behind this helpline is to push you into purchasing their products, and it is unlikely that their warnings require your attention at all. According to our malware experts at Anti-spyware-101.com, it looks like the unreliable helpline number could be promoted using misleading security warnings, and that is not okay. Even if a program is beneficial – which is not the case in our situation – it could never be classified as trustworthy if it used misleading information to trick you into installing it. Have you already paid for the expensive V Shine services that might cost up to 349 USD? If you have done this recently, you should ask for a refund immediately. If you are still dealing with the annoying security alert, we can show you how to remove it. Before you delete 1-888-478-4654-related malware, please read the report.
How does 1-888-478-4654 scam work?
According to our tests, the misleading 1-888-478-4654 warning might show up as a borderless window that cannot be minimized and closed. However, the message includes a “Close” button, which you can click to disable the fake alert. As stated in the message, the computer will restart in 10 minutes, and this is the time you have to remove the malicious components of the threat. If you do not do that, the PC will restart, and the alert will show up again. This is when you might start thinking that the warning regarding the “corrupted files and viruses” is genuine. That is exactly what the schemers want you to think because they want you to call 1-888-478-4654. Although the “testimonial” at vshinesoftwaresolution.com suggests that you can receive easy and affordable technical support by calling this number, you must not believe this. If you contact schemers, they will either trick you into paying money for the suspicious V Shine software or they will ask you to download a program that could enable remote access. Although legitimate technicians often use remote access to solve different errors and problems, this is not that kind of a situation.
According to the information on vshinesoftwaresolution.com/refund.html, you can be refunded only within 72 hours from the time of purchase; however, we cannot promise you that you will get your money back even if you demand it in time. The statement also informs that a refund is applicable for the users of “V Shine Software Solution Addon.” There is absolutely no information about any extensions; however, you should check your browsers to make sure that an unfamiliar extension was not installed. If it was, we suggest deleting it ASAP. In fact, the best thing you can do right now is to install a legitimate and reliable malware scanner to inspect your operating system. Considering that the components representing the 1-888-478-4654 scam are usually installed without the victim’s notice, there is a great possibility that your operating system is now infected with plenty of other infections that deserve removal.
How to disable 1-888-478-4654 scam
You need to remove malicious components to disable the misleading 1-888-478-4654 scam. Considering that you might be dealing with other infections at the same time, we strongly advise using automated malware detection and removal software. Of course, the choice is yours, and you might have already chosen to follow the guide below. These steps are fairly easy to follow, but you do not have a lot of time to perform them because of the fake security alert. If you are struggling with the entire operation, or if the annoying message shows up even after you delete 1-888-478-4654 scam-related components, you can start a discussion in the comments section below. In many cases, users simply fail to erase all components manually. Note that there is one particular .exe file with an unknown name whose location might be random. If you cannot find it yourself, it is best to employ anti-malware software.
Removal Instructions
- Delete the malicious .exe file with an unknown name (check Desktop, Download, and Temps folders first).
- Launch Explorer by tapping Win+E keys on the keyboard.
- Enter %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ into the bar at the top.
- Delete the file called microsoft alert.exe (note that it could have a unique name in your case).
- Launch RUN by tapping Win+R keys and then enter regedit.exe to access Registry Editor.
- Navigate to HKCU\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartupApproved\StartupFolder.
- Delete the value named MICROSOFT ALERT.exe.
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