What is Program:Win32/RegCure?
Program:Win32/RegCure is a malicious computer application that is generally presented as a computer optimization tool. Unfortunately, it cannot improve your computer’s performance, because it is a fake program that only tries to scare you into purchasing a full version of it (which does not exist in the first place). There is more than one version of this program, but the bottom line is that if you see RegCure operating on your PC, then remove Program:Win32/RegCure it at once, because having this application on your PC could lead to serious security issues.
What does Program:Win32/RegCure do?
Thankfully, Program:Win32/RegCure is not as stealthy as Trojans or worms. When this program is installed on your PC, you notice it immediately. The program drops an uninstaller entry for RegCure, then you will see a new entry on your Start Menu called RegCure, and eventually, there will be a RegCure icon on your desktop. So on the surface the application looks like a legitimate program, but that is very far from the truth.
Once this program is up and running, it displays a number of fraudulent claims about registry entries, system files and what not. It tries to make an impression that your system is full of errors and you need to purchase a full version of Program:Win32/RegCure to fix them all. In a sense, by behaving like this Program:Win32/RegCure does exhibit some fake AV features as well, but the application is more of a scareware than a fake antivirus program.
How to remove Program:Win32/RegCure?
Program:Win32/RegCure may resist being removed. You may try removing it via Control Panel, but that does not guarantee a full malware removal. Not to mention that there may be other malicious programs on your computer as well. Therefore, run a full system scan with SpyHunter free scanner and then invest in a powerful antimalware program to remove Program:Win32/RegCure and other unwanted applications from your system automatically. This way you will also protect your PC from possible future infections.
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