
What is PrintOnKey?

PrintOnKey must have entered your computer when you downloaded something from a file-sharing website. This adware application is not an immediate system security threat, but you will do yourself a favor if you remove PrintOnKey immediately. This program will flood you with annoying commercial pop-ups that will rarely have anything to do with the actual goods you are looking for. The longer PrintOnKey remains on your PC, the bigger is the chance that you will get infected with genuine malware. Do not tolerate adware applications just because they seem to be fairly harmless. Quite often a serious computer security problem is caused by something as insignificant as an adware app.testtesttest 100% FREE spyware scan and
tested removal of PrintOnKey*

Where does PrintOnKey come from?

Unlike some adware programs that boast of having official homepages, PrintOnKey does not have one. Consequently, this application does not employ the direct distribution method. The only way to install this program on your computer is to download it bundled with freeware and adware applications.

Users download freeware apps from a number of third-party websites that host freeware. They do not realize that these websites are not responsible for the freeware security. On top of that, the freeware installers often contain several programs that get installed on the target systems automatically. Chances are you have not noticed how PrintOnKey was installed on your PC because you were too preoccupied with some program that you wanted to download in the first place.

This is exactly how FlashBeat, LolliKey, DoReMe, and other adware programs from the same group managed to affect multiple systems worldwide. PrintOnKey is just another program in line that enters computers in order to make easy money.

What does PrintOnKey do?

Fortunately, PrintOnKey does not try to steal your money like a rogue antispyware application or a ransomware program. It simply redirects you to affiliated websites to increase their traffic. With every single click on an affiliated website, you help the people behind PrintOnKey make money through the pay-per-click system. Alas, you do not receive anything in return, and if the website in question is exploited by cyber criminals, you might even end up getting infected with malware! That is just one of the reasons we strongly recommend removing PrintOnKey.

It usually takes time for users to realize they have been affected by an adware program. That is because PrintOnKey does not boast of a graphic user interface, and it does not function as a browser extension. There is only the printonkey.exe process that runs in the system background. Unless you check the list of running processes via the Windows Task Manager often, you may not even realize that you have an adware app on your PC. Therefore, it is important that you run regular PC scans with licensed antispyware tools on a regular basis.

How do I remove PrintOnKey?

An increasing number of pop-ups on your browser should be enough of an indicator that there is something off. Once you are sure PrintOnKey is running on your PC, please remove this application via Control Panel. There might be more unwanted programs on-board, as PrintOnKey seldom travels on its own. If that is the case, locate and delete all the potential threats with a computer security tool of your choice. Stay away from suspicious websites in the future to avoid similar intruders.

Manual PrintOnKey Removal

Windows 8 & Windows 8.1

  1. Slide the mouse cursor to the bottom right of your screen.
  2. When the Charm bar appears, click Settings and go to Control Panel.
  3. Open Uninstall a program and remove PrintOnKey.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Open the Start menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Select Uninstall a program and remove PrintOnKey.

Windows XP

  1. Click the Start menu and navigate to Control Panel.
  2. Access Add or remove programs and uninstall PrintOnKey. 100% FREE spyware scan and
    tested removal of PrintOnKey*

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